Poems of American Patriotism. Various

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Poems of American Patriotism - Various

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If Boston knew the most!

      They laughed to know the world so wide;

       The mountains said: "Good-day!

       We greet you well, you Saxon men,

       Up with your towns and stay!"

       The world was made for honest trade—

       To plant and eat be none afraid.

      "For you," they said, "no barriers be,

       For you no sluggard rest;

       Each street leads downward to the sea,

       Or landward to the West."

      O happy town beside the sea,

       Whose roads lead everywhere to all;

       Than thine no deeper moat can be,

       No stouter fence, no steeper wall!

      Bad news from George on the English throne:

       "You are thriving well," said he;

       "Now by these presents be it known,

       You shall pay us a tax on tea;

       'T is very small—no load at all—

       Honor enough that we send the call."

      "Not so," said Boston, "good my lord,

       We pay your governors here

       Abundant for their bed and board,

       Six thousand pounds a year.

       (Your highness knows our homely word,)

       Millions for self-government,

       But for tribute never a cent."

      The cargo came! and who could blame

       If Indians seized the tea, And, chest by chest, let down the same Into the laughing sea? For what avail the plough or sail Or land or life, if freedom fail?

      The townsmen braved the English king,

       Found friendship in the French,

       And Honor joined the patriot ring

       Low on their wooden bench.

      O bounteous seas that never fail!

       O day remembered yet!

       O happy port that spied the sail

       Which wafted Lafayette!

       Pole-star of light in Europe's night,

       That never faltered from the right.

      Kings shook with fear, old empires crave

       The secret force to find

       Which fired the little State to save

       The rights of all mankind.

      But right is might through all the world;

       Province to province faithful clung,

       Through good and ill the war-bolt hurled,

       Till Freedom cheered and the joy-bells rung.

      The sea returning day by day

       Restores the world-wide mart;

       So let each dweller on the Bay

       Fold Boston in his heart,

       Till these echoes be choked with snows,

       Or over the town blue ocean flows.

      Let the blood of her hundred thousands

       Throb in each manly vein;

       And the wit of all her wisest

       Make sunshine in her brain.

       For you can teach the lightning speech,

       And round the globe your voices reach.

      And each shall care for other,

       And each to each shall bend,

       To the poor a noble brother,

       To the good an equal friend.

      A blessing through the ages thus

       Shield all thy roofs and towers!

       God with the fathers, so with us, Thou darling town of ours!

       Table of Contents


      [Sidenote: April 18, 1775] This poem is the "Landlord's Tale," the first of the "Tales of a Wayside Inn."

      Listen, my children, and you shall hear

       Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,

       On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five:

       Hardly a man is now alive

       Who remembers that famous day and year.

      He said to his friend, "If the British march

       By land or sea from the town to-night,

       Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch

       Of the North Church tower as a signal-light,

       One, if by land, and two, if by sea;

       And I on the opposite shore will be,

       Ready to ride and spread the alarm

       Through every Middlesex village and farm,

       For the country folk to be up and to arm."

      Then he said, Good-night! and with muffled oar

       Silently rowed to the Charlestown shore,

       Just as the moon rose over the bay,

       Where swinging wide at her moorings lay

       The Somerset, British man-of-war;

       A phantom ship, with each mast and spar

       Across the moon like a prison-bar,

       And a huge black hulk, that was magnified


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