Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (With Byron's Biography). Lord Byron

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Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (With Byron's Biography) - Lord  Byron

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       Black forests nod above, a silvan scene!"]

      'Robbers all at Parga!

       Robbers all at Parga!'

       Κλέφτεις ποτὲ Πάργα!

       Κλέφτεις ποτὲ Πάργα!

      And as they roared out this stave, they whirled round the fire, dropped, and rebounded from their knees, and again whirled round as the chorus was again repeated."—Travels in Albania, i. 166, 167.]

      Long afterwards, in 1816, one evening, on the Lake of Geneva, Byron entertained Shelley, Mary, and Claire with "an Albanian song." They seem to have felt that such melodies "unheard are sweeter." Hence, perhaps, his petit nom, "Albè," that is, the "Albaneser."—Life of Shelley, by Edward Dowden, 1896, p. 309.]

      Prevesa, which, with other Venetian possessions, had fallen to the French in 1797, was taken in the Sultan's name by Ali, in October, 1798. The troops in the garrison (300 French, 460 Greeks) encountered and were overwhelmed by 5000 Albanians, on the plain of Nicopolis. The victors entered and sacked the town.]

      "Earth! render back from out thy heart

       A remnant of our Spartan dead!

       Of the three hundred grant but three

       To make a new Thermopylæ!"

      The meaning is, "When shall another Lysander spring from Laconia ('Eurotas' banks') and revive the heroism of the ancient Spartans?"]

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