The Collected Works of W. Somerset Maugham (33 Works in One Edition). Уильям Сомерсет Моэм

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The Collected Works of W. Somerset Maugham (33 Works in One Edition) - Уильям Сомерсет Моэм

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ain't frightened of yer. I know yer'd like ter kill me, but yer'll get strung up if you do.'

      'Na, I won't kill yer, but if I 'ave any more of your sauce I'll do the next thing to it.'

      'Touch me if yer dare,' she said, 'I'll 'ave the law on you. An' I shouldn't mind 'ow many month's 'ard you got.'

      'Be quiet!' he said, and, closing his hand, gave her a heavy blow in the chest that made her stagger.

      'Oh, you ——!' she screamed.

      She seized the poker, and in a fury of rage rushed at him.

      'Would yer?' he said, catching hold of it and wrenching it from her grasp. He threw it to the end of the room and grappled with her. For a moment they swayed about from side to side, then with an effort he lifted her off her feet and threw her to the ground; but she caught hold of him and he came down on the top of her. She screamed as her head thumped down on the floor, and the children, who were standing huddled up in a corner, terrified, screamed too.

      Jim caught hold of his wife's head and began beating it against the floor.

      She cried out: 'You're killing me! Help! help!'

      Polly in terror ran up to her father and tried to pull him off.

      'Father, don't 'it 'er! Anythin' but thet—for God's sike!'

      'Leave me alone,' he said, 'or I'll give you somethin' too.'

      She caught hold of his arm, but Jim, still kneeling on his wife, gave Polly a backhanded blow which sent her staggering back.

      'Tike that!'

      Polly ran out of the room, downstairs to the first-floor front, where two men and two women were sitting at tea.

      'Oh, come an' stop father!' she cried. ''E's killin' mother!'

      'Why, wot's 'e doin'?'

      'Oh, 'e's got 'er on the floor, an' 'e's bangin' 'er 'ead. 'E's payin' 'er aht for givin' Liza Kemp a 'idin'.'

      One of the women started up and said to her husband:

      'Come on, John, you go an' stop it.'

      'Don't you, John,' said the other man. 'When a man's givin' 'is wife socks it's best not ter interfere.'

      'But 'e's killin' 'er,' repeated Polly, trembling with fright.

      'Garn!' rejoined the man, 'she'll git over it; an' p'raps she deserves it, for all you know.'

      John sat undecided, looking now at Polly, now at his wife, and now at the other man.

      'Oh, do be quick—for God's sike!' said Polly.

      At that moment a sound as of something smashing was heard upstairs, and a woman's shriek. Mrs. Blakeston, in an effort to tear herself away from her husband, had knocked up against the wash-hand stand, and the whole thing had crashed down.

      'Go on, John,' said the wife.

      'No, I ain't goin'; I shan't do no good, an' 'e'll only round on me.'

      'Well, you are a bloomin' lot of cowards, thet's all I can say,' indignantly answered the wife. 'But I ain't goin' ter see a woman murdered; I'll go an' stop 'im.'

      With that she ran upstairs and threw open the door. Jim was still kneeling on his wife, hitting her furiously, while she was trying to protect her head and face with her hands.

      'Leave off!' shouted the woman.

      Jim looked up. ''Oo the devil are you?' he said.

      'Leave off, I tell yer. Aren't yer ashimed of yerself, knockin' a woman abaht like that?' And she sprang at him, seizing his fist.

      'Let go,' he said, 'or I'll give you a bit.'

      'Yer'd better not touch me,' she said. 'Yer dirty coward! Why, look at 'er, she's almost senseless.'

      Jim stopped and gazed at his wife. He got up and gave her a kick.

      'Git up!' he said; but she remained huddled up on the floor, moaning feebly. The woman from downstairs went on her knees and took her head in her arms.

      'Never mind, Mrs. Blakeston. 'E's not goin' ter touch yer. 'Ere, drink this little drop of water.' Then turning to Jim, with infinite disdain: 'Yer dirty blackguard, you! If I was a man I'd give you something for this.'

      Jim put on his hat and went out, slamming the door, while the woman shouted after him: 'Good riddance!'

       'Lord love yer,' said Mrs. Kemp, 'wot is the matter?'

      She had just come in, and opening the door had started back in surprise at seeing Liza on the bed, all tears. Liza made no answer, but cried as if her heart were breaking. Mrs. Kemp went up to her and tried to look at her face.

      'Don't cry, dearie; tell us wot it is.'

      Liza sat up and dried her eyes.

      'I am so un'appy!'

      'Wot 'ave yer been doin' ter yer fice? My!'


      'Garn! Yer can't 'ave got a fice like thet all by itself.'

      'I 'ad a bit of a scrimmage with a woman dahn the street,' sobbed out Liza.

      'She 'as give yer a doin'; an' yer all upset—an' look at yer eye! I brought in a little bit of stike for ter-morrer's dinner; you just cut a bit off an' put it over yer optic, that'll soon put it right. I always used ter do thet myself when me an' your poor father 'ad words.'

      'Oh, I'm all over in a tremble, an' my 'ead, oo, my 'ead does feel bad!'

      'I know wot yer want,' remarked Mrs. Kemp, nodding her head, 'an' it so 'appens as I've got the very thing with me.' She pulled a medicine bottle out of her pocket, and taking out the cork smelt it. 'Thet's good stuff, none of your firewater or your methylated spirit. I don't often indulge in sich things, but when I do I likes to 'ave the best.'

      She handed the bottle to Liza, who took a mouthful and gave it her back; she had a drink herself, and smacked her lips.

      'Thet's good stuff. 'Ave a drop more.'

      'Na,' said Liza, 'I ain't used ter drinkin' spirits.'

      She felt dull and miserable, and a heavy pain throbbed through her head. If she could only forget!

      'Na, I know you're not, but, bless your soul, thet won' 'urt yer. It'll do you no end of good. Why, often when I've been feelin' thet done up thet I didn't know wot ter do with myself, I've just 'ad a little drop of whisky or gin—I'm not partic'ler wot spirit it is—an' it's pulled me up wonderful.'

      Liza took another sip, a slightly longer one; it burnt as it went down her throat, and sent through her a feeling of comfortable warmth.

      'I really do think it's doin' me good,' she said, wiping her eyes and giving a sigh of relief as

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