Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children. Kate Douglas Wiggin

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Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children - Kate Douglas Wiggin

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      “Mr. Ladd says that you are almost wasted on Wareham,” said Rebecca thoughtfully.

      “He is wrong; my talent is not a great one, but no talent is wholly wasted unless its owner chooses to hide it in a napkin. Remember that of your own gifts, Rebecca; they may not be praised of men, but they may cheer, console, inspire, perhaps, when and where you least expect. The brimming glass that overflows its own rim moistens the earth about it.”

      “Did you ever hear of The Rose of Joy?” asked Rebecca, after a long silence.

      “Yes, of course; where did you see it?”

      “On the outside of a book in the library.”

      “I saw it on the inside of a book in the library,” smiled Miss Maxwell. “It is from Emerson, but I’m afraid you haven’t quite grown up to it, Rebecca, and it is one of the things impossible to explain.”

      “Oh, try me, dear Miss Maxwell!” pleaded Rebecca. “Perhaps by thinking hard I can guess a little bit what it means.”

      “‘In the actual—this painful kingdom of time and chance—are Care, Canker, and Sorrow; with thought, with the Ideal, is immortal hilarity—the rose of Joy; round it all the Muses sing,’” quoted Miss Maxwell.

      Rebecca repeated it over and over again until she had learned it by heart; then she said, “I don’t want to be conceited, but I almost believe I do understand it, Miss Maxwell. Not altogether, perhaps, because it is puzzling and difficult; but a little, enough to go on with. It’s as if a splendid shape galloped past you on horseback; you are so surprised and your eyes move so slowly you cannot half see it, but you just catch a glimpse as it whisks by, and you know it is beautiful. It’s all settled. My essay is going to be called The Rose of Joy. I’ve just decided. It hasn’t any beginning, nor any middle, but there will be a thrilling ending, something like this: let me see; joy, boy, toy, ahoy, decoy, alloy:—

      Then come what will of weal or woe

       (Since all gold hath alloy),

       Thou ‘lt bloom unwithered in this heart,

       My Rose of Joy!

      Now I’m going to tuck you up in the shawl and give you the fir pillow, and while you sleep I am going down on the shore and write a fairy story for you. It’s one of our ‘supposing’ kind; it flies far, far into the future, and makes beautiful things happen that may never really all come to pass; but some of them will,—you’ll see! and then you’ll take out the little fairy story from your desk and remember Rebecca.”

      “I wonder why these young things always choose subjects that would tax the powers of a great essayist!” thought Miss Maxwell, as she tried to sleep. “Are they dazzled, captivated, taken possession of, by the splendor of the theme, and do they fancy they can write up to it? Poor little innocents, hitching their toy wagons to the stars! How pretty this particular innocent looks under her new sunshade!”

      Adam Ladd had been driving through Boston streets on a cold spring day when nature and the fashion-mongers were holding out promises which seemed far from performance. Suddenly his vision was assailed by the sight of a rose-colored parasol gayly unfurled in a shop window, signaling the passer-by and setting him to dream of summer sunshine. It reminded Adam of a New England apple-tree in full bloom, the outer covering of deep pink shining through the thin white lining, and a fluffy, fringe-like edge of mingled rose and cream dropping over the green handle. All at once he remembered one of Rebecca’s early confidences,—the little pink sunshade that had given her the only peep into the gay world of fashion that her childhood had ever known; her adoration of the flimsy bit of finery and its tragic and sacrificial end. He entered the shop, bought the extravagant bauble, and expressed it to Wareham at once, not a single doubt of its appropriateness crossing the darkness of his masculine mind. He thought only of the joy in Rebecca’s eyes; of the poise of her head under the apple-blossom canopy. It was a trifle embarrassing to return an hour later and buy a blue parasol for Emma Jane Perkins, but it seemed increasingly difficult, as the years went on, to remember her existence at all the proper times and seasons.

      This is Rebecca’s fairy story, copied the next day and given to Emily Maxwell just as she was going to her room for the night. She read it with tears in her eyes and then sent it to Adam Ladd, thinking he had earned a share in it, and that he deserved a glimpse of the girl’s budding imagination, as well as of her grateful young heart.


      There was once a tired and rather poverty-stricken Princess who dwelt in a cottage on the great highway between two cities. She was not as unhappy as thousands of others; indeed, she had much to be grateful for, but the life she lived and the work she did were full hard for one who was fashioned slenderly.

      Now the cottage stood by the edge of a great green forest where the wind was always singing in the branches and the sunshine filtering through the leaves.

      And one day when the Princess was sitting by the wayside quite spent by her labor in the fields, she saw a golden chariot rolling down the King’s Highway, and in it a person who could be none other than somebody’s Fairy Godmother on her way to the Court. The chariot halted at her door, and though the Princess had read of such beneficent personages, she never dreamed for an instant that one of them could ever alight at her cottage.

      “If you are tired, poor little Princess, why do you not go into the cool green forest and rest?” asked the Fairy Godmother.

      “Because I have no time,” she answered. “I must go back to my plough.”

      “Is that your plough leaning by the tree, and is it not too heavy?”

      “It is heavy,” answered the Princess, “but I love to turn the hard earth into soft furrows and know that I am making good soil wherein my seeds may grow. When I feel the weight too much, I try to think of the harvest.”

      The golden chariot passed on, and the two talked no more together that day; nevertheless the King’s messengers were busy, for they whispered one word into the ear of the Fairy Godmother and another into the ear of the Princess, though so faintly that neither of them realized that the King had spoken.

      The next morning a strong man knocked at the cottage door, and doffing his hat to the Princess said: “A golden chariot passed me yesterday, and one within it flung me a purse of ducats, saying: ‘Go out into the King’s Highway and search until you find a cottage and a heavy plough leaning against a tree near by. Enter and say to the Princess whom you will find there: “I will guide the plough and you must go and rest, or walk in the cool green forest; for this is the command of your Fairy Godmother.”’”

      And the same thing happened every day, and every day the tired Princess walked in the green wood. Many times she caught the glitter of the chariot and ran into the Highway to give thanks to the Fairy Godmother; but she was never fleet enough to reach the spot. She could only stand with eager eyes and longing heart as the chariot passed by. Yet she never failed to catch a smile, and sometimes a word or two floated back to her, words that sounded like: “I would not be thanked. We are all children of the same King, and I am only his messenger.”

      Now as the Princess walked daily in the green forest, hearing the wind singing in the branches and seeing the sunlight filter through the lattice-work of green leaves, there came unto her thoughts that had lain asleep in the stifling air of the cottage and the weariness of guiding the plough. And by and by she took a needle from her girdle and pricked the thoughts

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