Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children. Kate Douglas Wiggin

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Children's Book Classics - Kate Douglas Wiggin Edition: 11 Novels & 120+ Short Stories for Children - Kate Douglas Wiggin

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he was furious with himself for having slipped into a disagreeable predicament; and later, when he unexpectedly faced a detachment of Riverboro society at the cross-roads, and met not only their wrath and scorn, but the reproachful, disappointed glance of Rebecca’s eyes, he felt degraded as never before.

      The night at the Centre tavern did not help matters, nor the jolly patriotic meeting of the three villages at the flag-raising next morning. He would have enjoyed being at the head and front of the festive preparations, but as he had cut himself off from all such friendly gatherings, he intended at any rate to sit in his wagon on the very outskirts of the assembled crowd and see some of the gayety; for, heaven knows, he had little enough, he who loved talk, and song, and story, and laughter, and excitement.

      The flag was raised, the crowd cheered, the little girl to whom he had lied, the girl who was impersonating the State of Maine, was on the platform “speaking her piece,” and he could just distinguish some of the words she was saying:

      “For it’s your star, my star, all the stars together, That makes our country’s flag so proud To float in the bright fall weather.”

      Then suddenly there was a clarion voice cleaving the air, and he saw a tall man standing in the centre of the stage and heard him crying: “THREE CHEERS FOR THE GIRL THAT SAVED THE FLAG FROM THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY!”

      He was sore and bitter enough already; lonely, isolated enough; with no lot nor share in the honest community life; no hand to shake, no neighbor’s meal to share; and this unexpected public arraignment smote him between the eyes. With resentment newly kindled, pride wounded, vanity bleeding, he flung a curse at the joyous throng and drove toward home, the home where he would find his ragged children and meet the timid eyes of a woman who had been the loyal partner of his poverty and disgraces.

      It is probable that even then his (extremely light) hand was already on the “new leaf.” The angels, doubtless, were not especially proud of the matter and manner of his reformation, but I dare say they were glad to count him theirs on any terms, so difficult is the reformation of this blind and foolish world! They must have been; for they immediately flung into his very lap a profitable, and what is more to the point, an interesting and agreeable situation where money could be earned by doing the very things his nature craved. There were feats of daring to be performed in sight of admiring and applauding stable boys; the horses he loved were his companions; he was OBLIGED to “swap,” for Daly, his employer, counted on him to get rid of all undesirable stock; power and responsibility of a sort were given him freely, for Daly was no Puritan, and felt himself amply capable of managing any number of Simpsons; so here were numberless advantages within the man’s grasp, and wages besides!

      Abner positively felt no temptation to steal; his soul expanded with pride, and the admiration and astonishment with which he regarded his virtuous present was only equaled by the disgust with which he contemplated his past; not so much a vicious past, in his own generous estimation of it, as a “thunderin’ foolish” one.

      Mrs. Simpson took the same view of Abner’s new leaf as the angels. She was thankful for even a brief season of honesty coupled with the Saturday night remittance; and if she still washed and cried and cried and washed, as Clara Belle had always seen her, it was either because of some hidden sorrow, or because her poor strength seemed all at once to have deserted her.

      Just when employment and good fortune had come to the step-children, and her own were better fed and clothed than ever before, the pain that had always lurked, constant but dull, near her tired heart, grew fierce and triumphantly strong; clutching her in its talons, biting, gnawing, worrying, leaving her each week with slighter powers of resistance. Still hope was in the air and a greater content than had ever been hers was in her eyes; a content that came near to happiness when the doctor ordered her to keep her bed and sent for Clara Belle. She could not wash any longer, but there was the ever new miracle of the Saturday night remittance for household expenses.

      “Is your pain bad today, mother,” asked Clara Belle, who, only lately given away, was merely borrowed from Mrs. Fogg for what was thought to be a brief emergency.

      “Well, there, I can’t hardly tell, Clara Belle,” Mrs. Simpson replied, with a faint smile. “I can’t seem to remember the pain these days without it’s extra bad. The neighbors are so kind; Mrs. Little has sent me canned mustard greens, and Mrs. Benson chocolate ice cream and mince pie; there’s the doctor’s drops to make me sleep, and these blankets and that great box of eatables from Mr. Ladd; and you here to keep me comp’ny! I declare I’m kind o’ dazed with comforts. I never expected to see sherry wine in this house. I ain’t never drawed the cork; it does me good enough jest to look at Mr. Ladd’s bottle settin’ on the mantel-piece with the fire shinin’ on the brown glass.”

      Mr. Simpson had come to see his wife and had met the doctor just as he was leaving the house.

      “She looks awful bad to me. Is she goin’ to pull through all right, same as the last time?” he asked the doctor nervously.

      “She’s going to pull right through into the other world,” the doctor answered bluntly; “and as there don’t seem to be anybody else to take the bull by the horns, I’d advise you, having made the woman’s life about as hard and miserable as you could, to try and help her to die easy!”

      Abner, surprised and crushed by the weight of this verbal chastisement, sat down on the doorstep, his head in his hands, and thought a while solemnly. Thought was not an operation he was wont to indulge in, and when he opened the gate a few minutes later and walked slowly toward the barn for his horse, he looked pale and unnerved. It is uncommonly startling, first to see yourself in another man’s scornful eyes, and then, clearly, in your own.

      Two days later he came again, and this time it was decreed that he should find Parson Carll tying his piebald mare at the post.

      Clara Belle’s quick eye had observed the minister as he alighted from his buggy, and, warning her mother, she hastily smoothed the bedclothes, arranged the medicine bottles, and swept the hearth.

      “Oh! Don’t let him in!” wailed Mrs. Simpson, all of a flutter at the prospect of such a visitor. “Oh, dear! They must think over to the village that I’m dreadful sick, or the minister wouldn’t never think of callin’! Don’t let him in, Clara Belle! I’m afraid he will say hard words to me, or pray to me; and I ain’t never been prayed to since I was a child! Is his wife with him?”

      “No; he’s alone; but father’s just drove up and is hitching at the shed door.”

      “That’s worse than all!” and Mrs. Simpson raised herself feebly on her pillows and clasped her hands in despair. “You mustn’t let them two meet, Clara Belle, and you must send Mr. Carll away; your father wouldn’t have a minister in the house, nor speak to one, for a thousand dollars!”

      “Be quiet, mother! Lie down! It’ll be all right! You’ll only fret yourself into a spell! The minister’s just a good man; he won’t say anything to frighten you. Father’s talking with him real pleasant, and pointing the way to the front door.”

      The parson knocked and was admitted by the excited Clara Belle, who ushered him tremblingly into the sickroom, and then betook herself to the kitchen with the children, as he gently requested her.

      Abner Simpson, left alone in the shed, fumbled in his vest pocket and took out an envelope which held a sheet of paper and a tiny packet wrapped in tissue paper. The letter had been read once before and ran as follows:

      Dear Mr. Simpson:

      This is a secret letter. I heard that the Acreville people weren’t nice to Mrs. Simpson because she

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