English Economic History: Select Documents. Various

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English Economic History: Select Documents - Various

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to us a third part of the said meadow of Myntemede and the site of the fishpond, the parks, warren, pleas, perquisites and all escheats abovesaid, as is aforesaid. In witness whereof, etc. Witness the King at Woodstock, 1 July. By a fine of 5 marks. Wilts.

      7. Lease of Manorial Holdings [Fine Roll, 10 Edward III, m. 7], 1332.

      The King to all to whom, etc., greeting. We have inspected a writing which John late earl of Cornwall, our brother, now deceased, made in these words:

      John, son of the illustrious King of England, earl of Cornwall, to all and singular who shall see or hear the present writing indented, greeting in the Lord. Know ye that, having regard to the no small decrease and decay of rents and farms pertaining to our manor of Kirton in Lindsey in times past, for that tenants of escheated tenements in the same manor, having no estate of the same tenements save from year to year or at least at the will of the lords, our predecessors there, have made no outlay or the least which they could on the maintenance of the buildings on the same tenements; and wishing to raise again the aforesaid rents and farms as much as we can for our advantage; we have granted for us and our heirs and by our present writing have demised to John of Westminster and Emma his wife and Thomas, son of the same John and Emma, those two parts of all those tenements with the appurtenances in the town of Kirton aforesaid which the same John before the making of this writing held of us during our pleasure, as of an escheat formerly in our hand of the tenements which were sometime of Thomas of Bromholm; to have and to hold to the same John and Emma his wife and Thomas, son of the same John and Emma, and each of them that lives the longer, for their whole life, of us and our heirs, rendering therefrom yearly to us and our heirs 100s. sterling at the feasts of Easter and Michaelmas by equal portions; and we, the aforesaid earl, and our heirs will warrant the aforesaid two parts of the tenements aforesaid with their appurtenances to the aforesaid John and Emma his wife and Thomas, son of the same John and Emma, for their whole life, as is aforesaid, against all people for the aforesaid rent. In witness whereof we have thought fit to set our seal to this writing. These witnesses:—Sirs John de Haustede, Thomas de Westone and William de Cusancia, knights, Sir William de Cusancia, rector of the church of Wakefield, our treasurer, and William de Munden, our clerk and secretary, and others. Given at York on Tuesday next after the feast of All Saints in the 6th year of the reign of King Edward the Third after the Conquest, our dearest brother.

      And we, ratifying and approving the demise aforesaid, grant and confirm it for us and our heirs, as much as in us lies, as the writing aforesaid reasonably testifies, willing and granting for us and our heirs that the same John, Emma and Thomas have and hold the tenements aforesaid with the appurtenances for the whole life of each of them by the aforesaid service of rendering to us and our heirs yearly the said 100s. according to the tenour of the writing of the same earl abovesaid. In witness whereof etc. Witness the King at Leicester, 1 October.

      By the King himself.

      8. An Agreement Between Lord and Tenants [Duchy of Lancaster, Misc. Bks., 5, f. 103], 1386.

      [128] November 20.

      [129] June 24.

      [130] i.e. The lord providing dinner.

      [131] The lord here is the Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds.

      10. An Eviction from Copyhold Land [Chancery Proceedings, Early, 16, 376], temp. Henry IV-Henry VI.

      To the most reverend father in God, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Chancellor of England.

      Beseecheth lowly your poor bedefolks, Elizabeth Baroun, Harry Baroun and Richard Baroun, which be the King's tenants, that whereas

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