English Economic History: Select Documents. Various

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English Economic History: Select Documents - Various

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24 Edward III, for the whole year.

      Sale of wood.—He answers for 17l. 14d. received for wood thrown down by the wind, as appears by the particulars indented between Walter Colpepyr and the said receiver. Sum:—17l. 14d.

      Defect of rent.—He accounts in defect of rent of 40 acres sometime of Hugh Campyon, because they are in the hands of the lady and lie waste in the said wood for lack of a tenant, 13s. 4d. a year; further, in defect of rent of Thomas Springet for a smithy in the hand of the lady, as above, 12d.; further, in defect of rent of the house of Walter le Smyth, as above, 12d.; further, in defect of rent of Richard atte Ware, as above, 5s. 7d. for 8 acres 3 roods of land at Bukesworthbrom with other parcels of land there; further, in defect of rent of Thomas Harry for 3 roods of land, as above, 4½d.; further in defect of rent of William Huchon for 6 acres of land, as above, 3s.; further, in defect of rent of Richard Sampson for 19 acres 1 rood of land, as above, 12s. 10d.; further, in defect of rent of Thomas Harry for two smithies, as above, 2s.; further, in defect of rent of Robert le Hore for a house, as above, 7d.; further, in defect of rent of Richard Gambon for a house, as above, 12d.; further, in defect of rent of John Coppynger for a house, as above, 12d.; further, in defect of rent of Richard Sampson for 3 acres of land, as above, 18d.; further, in defect of rent of William atte Sandhelle for 20 acres of land, as above, 13s. 4d.; further, in defect of rent of Richard Sewale for 20 acres of land, as above, 13s. 4d.; further, in defect of rent of William Crowle and Simon de Herst for 36 acres 3 roods of land, as above, 18s.d.; further, in defect of rent of Robert Smale, John Watte, Jordan Odam and William Mowyn, for 23 acres 3 roods of land, as above, 15s. 11d.; further, in defect of rent of Walter Colpeper for 22 acres 3 roods of land, as above, 5s.d.; further, in defect of rent of Walter Mody for 18 acres of land, as above, 9s.

      Sum of the ancient defect, 15s. 4d.

      New defect through the pestilence this second year.

      Sum:—119s.d. Whereof 103s. 11¼d. is of new defect by reason of the pestilence.

      29. The Peasants' Revolt [Assize Roll, 103, mm. 10 & 10d.], 1381.

      And that the same Richard on the said Monday at Ely feloniously adjudged to death Edmund de Walsyngham, one of the justices of the peace of the lord the King in the county of Cambridge, whereby the said Edmund was then feloniously beheaded and his head set on the pillory there, the same being a pernicious example. And that the same Richard was the principal commander and leader in all the felonies, seditions and other misdeeds committed within the isle at the time aforesaid, etc.

      And hereupon the aforesaid Richard was taken by the justices aforesaid and afterwards brought before them and charged and diligently examined touching all the felonies and seditions aforesaid, article by article, in what manner he would acquit himself thereof; and he made no answer thereto but proffered a protection of the lord the King granted to him for the security of his person and his possessions to endure for one year according to the form and effect used in the Chancery of the lord the King; and he says that he does not intend to be annoyed or disquieted touching any presentments made against him by the justices, by virtue of the protection aforesaid, etc. And the aforesaid Richard was asked if he would make any other answer to the premises under the peril incumbent, in that the protection aforesaid is insufficient to acquit him of the premises or of any article of the same. And hereupon the same Richard made no further denial of any of the premises presented against him, but said, "I cannot make further answer, and I hold myself convicted." And because it is clear and plain enough to the aforesaid justices that the same Richard is guilty of all the felonies and seditions aforesaid, as has been found before the same justices in lawful manner, therefore by the discretion of the said justices he was drawn and hanged the same day and year, etc., and [it was adjudged] that his lands and tenements, goods and chattels, should be forfeit to the lord the King, as law requires. And order was made to Ralph atte Wyk, escheator of the lord the King, that he should make due execution thereof forthwith for the lord the King, etc. And it is to be known that it was found before the aforesaid justices that the same Richard has a shop in "le Bocherie" in Ely, which is worth yearly beyond reprises 10s., and chattels to the value of 40 marks, which the same Ralph seized forthwith, etc.

      Further the aforesaid jurors say that John Buk of Ely was a fellow of the aforesaid Richard Leycestre all the time of the insurrection and tumult at Ely in the accomplishing of all the felonies, treasons and misdeeds, whereof the said Richard was indicted. And specially that the same John, of his malice, at the time when Edmund de Walsyngham was adjudged to death, feloniously came to him and feloniously snatched a purse of Edmund attached to his tunic containing 42½d., and violently assaulted the said Edmund, dragging him to the place of his beheading, and carried away the said money except 12d. thereof which he gave to John Deye of Willingham, who there feloniously beheaded Edmund, for his labour. And hereupon the aforesaid John Buk was taken and brought forthwith before the aforesaid justices and charged touching the premises article by article, in what manner he will make answer thereto or acquit himself. And he says that as to all the matters touching Edmund de Walsyngham whereof he is charged, he came with many others to see the end of the said Edmund and to hear the cause of his death, and not otherwise, and this by the command of divers of the said commons. And he was asked further by whose command he came there and snatched the purse with the money aforesaid from the said Edmund in the form aforesaid, and he said that he believes it was by command of the devil. And he confessed further how and in what manner he dealt with the aforesaid purse with the money aforesaid, as was found above. And to all other presentments made against him he made no further answer. And because it is clear and plain enough, as well by his own acknowledgment as by lawful finding otherwise, that the same John is guilty of all the felonies and treasons aforesaid, therefore by the discretion of the said justices he was drawn and hanged, etc.; and [it was adjudged] that his lands and tenements, goods and chattels, should be forfeit

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