Antiquities of the Mesa Verde National Park: Cliff Palace. Jesse Walter Fewkes

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Antiquities of the Mesa Verde National Park: Cliff Palace - Jesse Walter Fewkes

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Table of Contents

Plate 1. Cliff Palace, from the Speaker-chief's house to the southern end 9
2. Cliff Palace, from the opposite side of the canyon 11
3. The southern end, after and before repairing 12
4. Central part before repairing 15
5. The round tower, from the north. General view of the ruin, before repairing 16
6. Central part, after repairing 19
7. Southern end, after repairing 20
8. Ground plan 22
9. Main entrance. Southern end, showing repaired terraces 24
10. Tower quarter, after repairing. Terraces at southern end, after repairing 27
11. Tower quarter 29
12. The square tower, before and after repairing 31
13. Details of Cliff Palace 33
14. Square tower, after repairing. Old quarter 34
15. Speaker-chief's house, after repairing 36
16. Northern part, from the Speaker-chief's house to the western end 39
17. Details of kiva A 41
18. Kiva H, before repairing 43
19. Southeastern wall of kiva Q, before repairing 45
20. Axe with original handle 47
21. Stone hatchets 48
22. Stone objects 50
23. Various objects from Cliff Palace 52
24. Food bowls 55
25. Vases and food bowls 56
26. Pottery 58
27. Pitch balls and vase 60
28. Rests for jars 63
29. Basket hopper—side and bottom views 64
30. Sandals 66

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