Let them all tell you what happened. Mercedes Pescador

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Let them all tell you what happened - Mercedes Pescador

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href="#ue7f0f595-45b6-4f01-b9ec-76582e43d32f">Viviana Sánchez

       María del Refugio Sandoval Olivas

       Javier Santiago Soria

       Horacio Federico Schmidt

       Amalia Serrano

       Eva Serrano Clavero

       Ana Serrano Tellería

       Ekaterina Shapovalova

       Sandra Araceli Soto Dotor

       Marlyn Johanna Soto Ramírez

       Carlos André Suárez Rivero


       Ramón Tamames

       Silvana Tayupanta

       Franco Roberto Tempone

       Jacqueline Toribio Vargas

       Arturo Tornel Moreno

       Benjamín José Touris Durán


       Elizabeth Ugalde V.

       Rebeca Urazán Benítez


       Luesa van Luyn

       María Soledad Velasco Rodríguez

       Ignacio José Vidal Arriola

       Adonay Vilche

       Katherine Villa Guerrero

       Dixson Villasmil

       Juan Villegas

       Oscar Javier Villegas Vélez


       Sandra Wandemberg


       Isabel Yano Lombardía


       Kevin Zea Castañeda


      To all those who couldn’t get a hug in their last moments:

      may their souls rest among tulips and almond trees,

      wrapped up by the breeze of unconditional love.

      Mercedes Pescador

      “My soul is free and it is its own self,

      and it is accustomed to carry itself in its own way”

      Michel de Montaigne

      The Essays (according to the 1595 edition

      by Marie de Gournay)

      Writings from the heart

      I started this collective literary work on March 12th 2020, I was full of curiosity but I also did it out of my own fears. The World Health Organization (WHO) had just declared the coronavirus or COVID-19 a pandemic, the death toll was alerting of an unknown danger with unpredictable consequences which was spreading from country to country, causing death and misery. The book shops were closing, the crisis was affecting every economic sector and the continuity of my own publishing label was unknown.

      If this were to be my last book, I would be grateful.

      While scientists were desperately searching for a vaccine to save humanity, I found refuge in these intimate chronicles of the 2020 pandemic.

      While world leaders were declaring the state of emergency and ordering their citizens to stay home to fight the unknown and highly contagious virus, I knew that my passion for the written word would be my only confinement. The lockdown, the closing of borders, airports, schools and companies was pointing to a recession and in my heart, there was a growing need to tell the story, to leave a testimony for humanity.

      These pages have been written by authors from across the five continents during the convulsive spring of 2020 and they make up an emotional radiography of what they were thinking and feeling while facing a threat to their own lives. All of them appear with their real names, without any position or titles. There are town mayors, ambassadors, diplomats, artists, writers, teachers, housekeepers, unemployed, pensioners, nurses, of all ages and backgrounds, they all put together their words to write about love, fear, family, context, fortune and future. Some express themselves

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