Agricultural Informatics. Группа авторов
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16. Liqiang, Z., Shouyi, Y., Leibo, L., Zhen, Z., Shaojun, W., A crop monitoring system based on wireless sensor network. Procedia Environ. Sci., 11, 558–65, Jan, 2011.
17. Priya, C.T., Praveen, K., Srividya, A., Monitoring of pest insect traps using image sensors & dspic. Int. J. Eng. Trends Tech., 4, 9, 4088–93, Sep, 2013.
18. Shalini, D.V., Automatic Pesticide Sprayer for Agriculture Purpose. IJSART, 2, 7, July, 2016.
19. Baranwal, T. and Pateriya, P.K., Development of IoT based smart security and monitoring devices for agriculture. In: 2016 6th International Conference-Cloud System and Big Data Engineering (Confluence), IEEE, pp. 597–602, Jan, 2016.
20. Kapoor, A., Bhat, S., II, Shidnal, S., Mehra, A., Implementation of IoT and Image Processing in Smart Agriculture. 2016 International Conference on Computational Systems and Information Systems for Sustainable Solutions.
21. Rajan, P., Radhakrishnan, B., Suresh, L.P., Detection and classification of pests from crop images using Support Vector Machine, in: Emerging Technological Trends (ICETT), International Conference on, 2016, October, IEEE, pp. 1–6.
22. Sladojevic, S., Arsenovic, M., Anderla, A., Culibrk, D., Stefanovic, D., Deep neural networks based recognition of plant diseases by leaf image classification. Comput. Intell. Neurosci., 2016, 1–11, May, 2016.
23. Rajesh, D., Application of spatial data mining for agriculture. Int. J. Comput. Appl., 15, 2, 7–9, Feb, 2011.
24. Borgia, E., The Internet of things: Key features, applications and open issues. Comput. Commun., 54, 1–31, Dec. 2014.
25. Manju, M., Karthik, V., Hariharan, S., Sreekar, B., Real time monitoring of the environmental parameters of an aquaponic system based on Internet of Things. In: 2017 Third International Conference on Science Technology Engineering & Management (ICONSTEM), IEEE, pp. 943–948, Mar, 2017.
26. Rajalakshmi, P. and Mahalakshmi, S.D., IOT based crop-field monitoring and irrigation automation. In: 2016 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO), IEEE, pp. 1–6, Jan, 2016.
27. Kaur, B., Inamdar, D., Raut, V., Patil, A., Patil, N., A Survey On Smart Drip Irrigation System. Int. Res. J. Eng. Technol. (IRJET), 03, 02, Feb, 2016.
28. Parameswaran, G. and Sivaprasath, K., Arduino based smart drip irrigation system using Internet of Things. Int. J. Eng. Sci., 5518, May, 2016.
29. Amel, B., Mohamed, C., Tarek, B., Smart irrigation system using Internet of Things. The Fourth International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies (FGCT), 2015.
30. Hemalatha, R., Deepika, G., Dhanalakshmi, D., Dharanipriya, K., Divya, M., Internet of things (iot) based smart irrigation. Int. J. Adv. Res. Biol. Eng. Sci. Technol. (IJARBEST), 2, 2, 128–32, Feb, 2016.
31. Jagüey, J.G., Villa-Medina, J.F., López-Guzmán, A., Porta-Gándara, M.Á., Smartphone irrigation sensor. IEEE Sens. J., 15, 9, 5122–7, May, 2015.
32. Saraswati, M., Kuantama, E., Mardjoko, P., Design and construction of water level measurement system accessible through SMS. In: 2012 Sixth UKSim/AMSS European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation, IEEE, pp. 48–53, Nov, 2012.
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