The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy. U.S. Government

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The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government

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one. I would say no.

      Now, there is another story. And we have stories galore, believe me—with documents and everything.

      A gun will be involved in this story, that Lee had bought. But I don't want to confuse the committee. That is another part that we will have to go into, that I will have to lead up to. The only way I can do this and not forget things is to do the way I am doing it. And if you have any questions, if you feel the story I have told so far—I would like to know, myself, if I have forgotten anything.

      It is awfully hard for me to remember everything. If you want to question me, I am more than happy, if I know the facts, to give them to you.

      Mr. Rankin. Well, you go ahead and tell us in your own way.

      Mrs. Oswald. May I have some fresh water, please?

      Mr. Rankin. You have never told us about the Walker matter. Did you know something about that?

      Mrs. Oswald. No, I didn't know about that.

      The Chairman. You are going to let her finish this other, are you not?

      Mr. Rankin. Yes.

      Mrs. Oswald. I didn't know about that until it came out in the paper. But I have a story on that.

      Mr. Rankin. You want to finish this incident about the gun you are talking about?

      Mrs. Oswald. About Robert knowing about the gun—I have already said that.

      About Lee being left handed, and he and Robert going squirrel hunting.

      Mr. Rankin. You said there was another gun matter.

      Mrs. Oswald. That is a long, long story.

      The Chairman. I think she has gotten to the point——

      Mrs. Oswald. I got to the point. I finished this story, really, don't you think—about the gun?

      The Chairman. I don't know.

      Mrs. Oswald. I think about Robert knowing Lee was left handed.

      The Chairman. Has anything happened since that, that you care to call to our attention, things that you know about?

      Mrs. Oswald. On the particular story that I have said this morning—you mean of Lee?

      This is where it gets confusing.

      Representative Ford. Where did you go after the Parkland Hospital? What happened then?

      Mrs. Oswald. Oh, yes. This is interesting.

      After the Parkland Hospital, then this Mike Howard said, "Well, what we will do, we have a place, and this is where we will take them."

      And they took us to the Inn of the Six Flags, which is on the outskirts of Arlington, Tex. They took us there.

      And I am assuming that it is a Secret Service hideout or something, because they had made no arrangements or anything. We just were welcomed right in the Inn. They knew where to go.

      Mr. Rankin. What happened there?

      Mrs. Oswald. Well, now, Mr. Rankin, that is so important—if we are going to recess, I am going to ask not to start that story, because that is a very long, important story to this Commission.

      Mr. Dulles. How far is that from Dallas—the Six Flags Inn?

      Mrs. Oswald. Well, it is in between Dallas and Fort Worth, Tex. It is near Arlington, Tex.

      The Chairman. We will recess now until 2 o'clock.

      (Whereupon, at 12:55 p.m., the President's Commission recessed.)

      Afternoon Session


       Table of Contents

      The President's Commission reconvened at 2 p.m.

      The Chairman. The Commission will be in order. Mrs. Oswald, you may continue with your statement.

      Mrs. Oswald. On the way leaving, I remarked to Mr. Doyle that I had forgotten one very important factor in the story.

      I had in Mrs. Paine's home, when Marina closed the door, and I was in the room—before she showed me the picture—she told me at the police station that they had showed her Lee's gun and asked her if that was Lee's gun, and she said she didn't know, that Lee had a gun, but she could not say whether that was Lee's gun or not. But that she knew that Lee had a gun.

      Mr. Rankin. When was this?

      Mrs. Oswald. This was in Mrs. Paine's home the night of November 22, when we came from the jail. She told me that she told the police. I am going to explain, because I don't want to be put in why I didn't say it.

      Mr. Mark Lane had hoped to come before the Commission, and he wanted to ask me two questions. He didn't say what the questions were. But I know the affidavit presented to the Warren Commission passed on that. And so that is why I had put that particular thing off my mind, thinking Mr. Lane would bring it up. But I immediately told Mr. Doyle when I left, that Mr. Lane not being here I should have made that statement.

      Was there something else I told you?

      Mr. Doyle. No. I think that was the matter you had mentioned to me, ma'am.

      Mr. Rankin. You mean the gun or the picture of the gun?

      Mrs. Oswald. No—the gun. The police showed Marina a gun—showed Marina a gun, and asked Marina if that was Lee's gun, because Marina had testified at the police station, she told me that Lee had a gun in Mrs. Paine's garage, and this was the gun that was presumably used to assassinate the President, that the police had and showed it to Marina, and asked Marina if that was Lee's gun that was in the garage. She said she didn't know—that Lee had a gun in the garage, but she did not know whether that was the gun or not.

      Mr. Rankin. Did you have any discussion with Marina about the gun after that?

      Mrs. Oswald. No, sir—when she said that, that was it. Any comments—as I said before—that was it.

      Now, where did I finish, please, so I can continue?

      Mr. Rankin. Well, you had gotten to the Six Flags, and you had heard about your son being killed. And then you had gotten to the Parkland Hospital.

      Mrs. Oswald. We were through at the Parkland Hospital.

      Mr. Rankin. You had gotten through with the Parkland Hospital.

      Mrs. Oswald. And then we got to the chief of police's home in Irving. And we finished that. So now we are at the Six Flags.

      Mr. Rankin. Correct.

      Mrs. Oswald. So the FBI agent took us to the Six Flags.

      I was never questioned by the Secret Service or

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