The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy. U.S. Government

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The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government

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      And there was some conversation back and forth. And it went on back and forth conversation.

      So I said, "I am getting very upset about not knowing the entire conversation. I want to tell Mr. Sorrels that if he doesn't have the authority, to give me complete protection, I want to know the man over him, so I can get complete protection."

      Mr. Mike Howard said, "He heard you, Mrs. Oswald."

      So I don't know what went on on the other end of the line.

      But Mr. Mike Howard was on the spot.

      He said, "Well, Mr. Sorrels, it is this way. She is going to Washington, and Mrs. Oswald wants to go here and wants to go there. And if we are not around to take her, she will certainly complain when she gets to Washington."

      So I am assuming now—I am speculating, like everybody else—that Mr. Sorrels probably could have said, "Well, let her think she has protection," because Mr. Mike Howard had to come back in front of me, to his superior, and say, "That is no good. She might want to go some place, so we have to be here. I want to know what to do."

      And then I got protection.

      Now, isn't that peculiar—that I am a witness, with important papers, and supposed to be under surveillance, and I am not getting protection?

      I would like to know the answer to these things. And Mr. Rankin himself called Mr. Sorrels.

      Mr. Rankin. I talked to Mr. Kelley.

      Mrs. Oswald. I am sorry—but I knew you had placed a call, because Mr. Sorrels called me and said you had placed a call.

      So why didn't I have complete protection?

      There is a lot of "why's." There are a lot of "why's" that have to be answered.

      Now, the man last night that met me at the airport—there were two Secret Service men. One of the NBC men, I think it is—I am not quite sure—was at the station. He asked me questions, and he knows about all of this, because he was in Fort Worth, Tex.

      I would know his name if you would say it. Dave Benoski, I believe it is.

      But he asked me a question. He said, "Mrs. Oswald, have you seen your daughter-in-law?"

      I said, "No, I have not seen my daughter-in-law since Thanksgiving Day."

      "Well, is it the Secret Service who have kept you from seeing your daughter-in-law?"

      And I said, "Yes, it is the Secret Service who has kept me from seeing my daughter-in-law."

      Which, to me, is a fact.

      So in the car, with your two Secret Service agents, one was Mr. Brown and one was—I am very bad about names—he said, "Mrs. Oswald, what makes you want to blame the Secret Service? The time to have blamed the Secret Service was when it happened."

      And I said, "I did blame the Secret Service when it happened. I made a report in Fort Worth, Tex., about that."

      And I said, "The question was asked me." I answered him truthfully, "Yes, that the Secret Service have kept me from my daughter-in-law."

      So he said, "Well, has it occurred to you that your daughter-in-law doesn't want to see you?"

      And I said, "She made the statement in Washington, the first time I have known of that, from my daughter-in-law's lips, that she did not want to see me."

      And Mr. Sorrels never told me.

      Now, again, I don't believe this Secret Service man had the right to quiz me like he did. I was very upset. Mr. Doyle can verify the fact. When he came to the hotel I was on the verge of tears, because of this quizzing.

      The point I want to make—he said, "Isn't it true that you have had complete protection by the Secret Service for the last 2 weeks, ever since the testifying began?"

      I said, "No, sir; it is not true."

      Now, where does he get the idea I have been under surveillance for 2 weeks? I don't understand these things.

      Mr. Doyle. Tell them about the defection.

      Mrs. Oswald. Would you please consider that I can't go any more today? It is 4 o'clock. The defection is a very long and important story that leads into a story where a recruiting officer at age 16 tried to get Lee to enlist into the Marines. And it is a very important story, gentlemen. And I think you would be quite interested in it for the record.

      The Chairman. We will recess now until tomorrow. Mr. Doyle, I understand in the morning you have a court appearance that you must make. But you will be available at 2 o'clock.

      Mr. Doyle. Two o'clock. Your Honor.

      The Chairman. Very well, we will recess now until 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

      Mrs. Oswald. I appreciate it, because I was up until late last night trying to get the papers for you. It wouldn't do you any good if I break down.

      The Chairman. Well, we don't want to overdo the situation in any way. So we will adjourn until 2 o'clock tomorrow.

      (Whereupon, at 4 p.m., the President's Commission recessed.)

      Tuesday, February 11, 1964


       Table of Contents

      The President's Commission met at 2 p.m. on February 11, 1964, at 200 Maryland Avenue NE., Washington, D.C.

      Present were Chief Justice Earl Warren, Chairman; Representative Hale Boggs, Representative Gerald R. Ford, and Allen W. Dulles, members.

      Also present were J. Lee Rankin, general counsel; Wesley J. Liebeler, assistant counsel; John Doyle, attorney for Mrs. Marguerite Oswald; and Leon Jaworski, special counsel to the attorney general of Texas.

      The Chairman. The Commission will come to order. Are we ready to proceed?

      Mr. Doyle. If it please Your Honor——

      The Chairman. Mr. Doyle.

      Mr. Doyle. Mr. Mark Lane is present as counsel, as I understand, for Mrs. Oswald. Although I have not talked to Mrs. Oswald about the matter, as I understand it Mr. Lane represented her from time to time, in one capacity or another in the past.

      I do not know the particulars. Mrs. Oswald or Mr. Lane could better advise the Commission about the point.

      Of course my designation was at the request of Mrs. Oswald to act in her behalf, since there was no counsel of her choice present at the time.

      The Chairman. True.

      Mr. Doyle. In view of the appearance—I wonder if it might be straightened out—if Mr. Lane wishes to enter his appearance in the matter.

      Of course I would immediately respectfully move for leave

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