The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy. U.S. Government

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The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government

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heard Marina say it. I have not heard Marina say it. I can answer this way. This comes from Mr. Jim Martin. There is many, many things about Mr. Jim Martin and Mr. Thorne that I don't think maybe it is right that I should say these things in front of the Commission, because they are rumors.

      But a rumor, you will have to, in a case as big as this, and where there are so many people involved, you have to analyze these rumors. I will say this: I understand from many, many a source that the Dallas Bar Association is going to have Mr. Jim Thorne before them. Now that is my understanding there.

      Mr. Rankin. So all you know about the Walker incident is what you have read in the papers.

      Mrs. Oswald. What I have read in the paper. And I certainly did not appreciate that. Mr. Jim Martin is a citizen, if Marina is not.

      Mr. Rankin. Now, did you ever ask your son, Lee Oswald, whether he was an agent of anybody?

      Mrs. Oswald. No sir, I have never asked Lee Oswald if he was an agent because I felt like he would not tell me.

      Mr. Rankin. But you have not asked him.

      Mrs. Oswald. No, I have not asked him.

      Oh, one very important thing that I must tell you. On November 26—that was the night of November 26, and the day of November 26 was when I found out that Marina was going to live with someone else, and we had no contact. So I knew I wasn't wanted or involved. I was in the bedroom. And I left the Inn of the Six Flags, gentlemen, under strict security protection. I opened the door and had my coat and pocketbook, and I went out doors. And I was about 15 feet when they realized that I had left the Inn. Now, there was a man on the outside, stationed there night and day. But there was a little arbor. And this was in the bedroom. We had two entrances—one to the living room and one to the bedroom. I opened the bedroom door. I had my coat and bag and I was going to go home. I was going to take a bus and go home because I didn't get to talk to my daughter-in-law—they had taken over.

      And I was 15 or 20 feet when two agents came and took me by the arm and I went back in. I didn't make a stink or anything about it. And that night I sat up all night, and the next morning I insisted upon going home. But the point that has to be made is was I under arrest or not—since these men came and took me by the arm and brought me back to the Inn of the Six Flags.

      The Chairman. Were you all dressed to go home when they took hold of you that way?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, sir, when they took hold of me this way. And I didn't say anything. I just went back in. So then the doctor—I do not know his name, you have his name—the doctor came in to see the children, they had diarrhea. And the man whispered something to the doctor. And we closed the door. The doctor asked me for Lee's social security number. And I have testified that I had gone home the night before to get all my papers, after much persuasion. I started to look through the papers for Lee's number. And I started to cry. He and I were in the room alone. I think this was purposely, because they said something to the doctor.

      I said I am very upset and told the doctor what happened. And I said "You know, my heart is breaking. I cannot understand how they would do something like that, and not tell me about it."

      So he talked with me, and he gave me two pills. When we opened the door he said to the agents "She is all right, she has a right to her feelings." So they must have thought that I was—something was wrong with me. They thought—because I took the attitude immediately—well, Robert said it—I said "Why didn't you let me know." "Well, just because the way you are acting now." I said "How am I acting. I am acting in a normal way. I have lost my son. Now you have made arrangements without consulting me to take my daughter and two grandchildren to live with strangers. This is a normal reaction. Am I going to say yes, take my daughter-in-law and grandchildren, I don't need my part of them."

      This is a normal reaction.

      Reverend Saunders, Louis Saunders, who is a minister at the grave, accidentally came at the very last minute. He had not preached a sermon in 8 years. He is head of the Council of Churches.

      He heard we could not get a minister so he was able to come at the very last minute. And Rev. Granville Walker was sent to my home in Fort Worth, Tex., the next day after I arrived home, to help, to console me about this case. So he said "Mrs. Oswald, I understand that Marina has been offered a very fine home, and how do you feel about that. Are you not glad that your daughter-in-law is going to be taken care of and the children have an education."

      I said "No, Reverend Saunders, I do not feel that way about it. Those are material things. How do we know if these children will live to derive any benefit from this education. I think that we should stick together as a family. Her Mama, like she wanted. The girl said she has no Mama. Everything was arranged for the Mama. She is talking about money and material things. I expressed my opinion at the Six Flags, that we start with $863—no contributions were coming in. And then if we cannot make it, then let the ones that are so concerned help us. And I remarked—I am working for a very wealthy woman.

      Who knows, maybe she will give us $5,000. Let us stick together as a family. Reverend Saunders says "Mrs. Oswald, your philosophy of life is beautiful, and it is a Biblical way. But you know you have to be practical."

      So the very next day, sir—and this is in "Christianity Today," to prove my point—Mr. Jim Cox, who writes for "Christianity Today" and is a Star Telegram reporter called me and said "Mrs. Oswald, Reverend Saunders called me and wanted me to get a story from you, because he thought you had such a wonderful philosophy of life."

      I sat down, and Mr. Jimmy Cox stayed home from Church—I gave Mr. Jimmy Cox a story that is in Christianity Today, that only goes to ministers, and it is because of Reverend Saunders. So I do have people to testify about this particular thing. And I did act in a normal way. That is a normal reaction, to not want to give up my family.

      Mr. Rankin. Mrs. Oswald. I will give you Exhibits 206 through 227, both inclusive, and ask you if that is—if those are photostatic copies of your correspondence—would you look at each one of them—with the State Department that you have referred to in your testimony?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, sir. Do you want the numbers as I go along?

      Mr. Rankin. No. You just look at them.

      Mrs. Oswald. That is correct.

      Representative Ford. These are copies, Mr. Rankin, of her letters to the State Department and the responses?

      Mrs. Oswald. That is correct.

      Mr. Rankin. Yes, that is correct, is it not, Mrs. Oswald?

      Mrs. Oswald. Yes, that is correct.

      Mr. Rankin. And these copies were made under your supervision were they not.

      Mrs. Oswald. That is correct. And I voluntarily gave you every copy I have. That is correct. That is correct. That is correct.

      Some of this seems to be scratched out here.

      Mr. Doyle. On Exhibit No. 221, there seems to be some X markings around. Will you put that aside, and we can compare that with the original.

      Mrs. Oswald. This is correct. That is correct. That is correct. I don't remember writing to Mrs. James. I remember calling her on the telephone. This is my handwriting. I guess I did.

      Yes, that is my handwriting. That is correct.

      That is correct. That is correct. And this is correct, but should have a card

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