The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy. U.S. Government

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The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government

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Jenner. And did you ever have a discussion with your brother with respect to his use, if he did, of the name Alek James Hidell, A. J. Hidell, or any combination of that, in which the surname Hidell was employed?

      Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I did not. And if I may say, at no time have I ever known him to use any other name than Lee Harvey Oswald.

      Mr. Jenner. I take it, then, you are unacquainted with any circumstances under which he employed, if he did employ at any time, the surname Hidell?

      Mr. Oswald. That is correct, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. Or any other alias?

      Mr. Oswald. That's correct, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. Did you ever know him to employ an alias?

      Mr. Oswald. No, I had not.

      Mr. Jenner. Have you ever employed one?

      Mr. Oswald. Off the record, please.

      Mr. Jenner. I will withdraw that question.

      Mr. Oswald. This is what it amounts to.

      Mr. McKenzie. Let me state this for the purposes of the record. In order to avoid publicity or avoid newsmen, we did travel to Friendship Airport from Dallas, Texas, yesterday evening, February 19th, and Robert Oswald traveled under the name of F. M. Johnson.

      Mr. Dulles. Off the record.

      (Discussion off the record.)

      Mr. Dulles. Back on the record.

      Mr. Jenner. On the following page, which is page 76, Commission Exhibit 290, is a photograph, reproduction of a photograph in the lower right-hand corner.

      (The material referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 290 for identification.)

      Mr. Jenner. You recognize the person depicted in that photograph?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I do.

      Mr. Jenner. Would you identify them?

      Mr. Oswald. I recognize the two people in the photograph—the woman being Mrs. Marina Oswald, and the man being Lee Harvey Oswald.

      Mr. Jenner. Have you ever seen that picture before?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I believe I have.

      Mr. Jenner. Did you see it prior to November 22, 1963?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I believe I did, and the reason why I say I believe—I believe I either have a copy of this photograph myself, or one very, very similar to it.

      Mr. Jenner. How did you come into the possession of the photograph?

      Mr. Oswald. Lee had sent it to me from Russia, showed me pictures of him and his wife on their wedding day in April, 1961. I received the photographs, though, in approximately May, 1961.

      Mr. Jenner. Do you still have those photographs in your possession?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I do. If I may say, I did turn over I believe four photographs that Lee had sent me from Russia, and I believe in all four photographs Lee and Marina were in them. And I turned these over to Mr. Jim H. Martin.

      Mr. Jenner. But they are your personal property.

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; they are.

      Mr. Jenner. I want to get into that period of time when you were in correspondence with your brother at a later moment.

      Turning now to page 78, which is Commission Exhibit 291, in the lower left-hand corner of that is a reproduction, or what purports to be a reproduction of a photograph.

      (The material referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 291 for identification.)

      Mr. Jenner. Do you recognize either of the two persons depicted in that photograph?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I recognize the man on the right with the piece of paper in his hand, and a notebook I believe under his left arm, to be Lee Harvey Oswald.

      Mr. Jenner. Do you recognize the other man who is partially shown in that photograph?

      Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I do not.

      Mr. Jenner. Did you see that photograph at any time prior to November 22, 1963?

      Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I had not.

      Mr. Jenner. And on page 80, which is Commission Exhibit No. 292, there are two photographs, one showing a lady and a child, in the upper right-hand corner.

      (The material referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 292 for identification.)

      Mr. Jenner. Directing your attention to that picture first, do you recognize either of the persons shown in that photograph?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I do. I recognize both persons.

      Mr. Jenner. Would you identify them, please?

      Mr. Oswald. The child is June Lee Oswald, and the woman is Mrs. Marina Oswald.

      Mr. Jenner. And June Oswald is your brother's child?

      Mr. Oswald. That's correct, sir.

      Mr. Jenner. Had you seen that photograph at any time prior to November 22, 1963?

      Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I had not.

      Mr. Jenner. In the lower right-hand corner is a photograph of a man holding a firearm or rifle with a pistol on his right hip and some papers of some kind in—he is holding the rifle in his left hand, the papers in his right hand. Do you recognize the person depicted in that photograph?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I do. I recognize him to be my brother, Lee Harvey Oswald.

      Mr. Jenner. Had you seen that photograph at any time prior to November 22, 1963?

      Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I had not.

      Mr. Jenner. Have you seen the photograph of which that is a reproduction since November 22, 1963?

      Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I have.

      Mr. Jenner. Under what circumstances?

      Mr. Oswald. At the Inn of the Six Flags at Arlington. Tex., approximately November 27, 1963, in the presence of U.S. Secret Service and Marina Oswald and myself.

      Mr. Dulles. Your mother was not there then?

      Mr. Oswald. She was there at the time, but I do not believe she was in the room when this photograph was shown.

      Mr. Jenner. Mr. Chairman, I offer in evidence as Commission Exhibits 281 through 292 the pages of the issue of Life Magazine I have identified that bear those exhibit numbers.

      Mr. Dulles. Yes. I understand counsel for Mr. Oswald has pointed out that I believe you are offering only the photographs and not the text?


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