The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy. U.S. Government

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The Warren Commission Report: The Official Report on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government

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it is a humanitarian side that I am trying to bring out. Material things are involved to me that are of no consequence. And I am trying to point out the fact that these Russian people seemed to think that the Russian girl should have material things.

      And all through my story, I can prove things that have happened of this nature.

      Yes—I will continue.

      I was on the OB case for very wealthy people. I then became a nurse and by word of mouth I had worked in the finest homes in Fort Worth at this salary. I have worked for Ammon Carter, Jr., who is the owner of the Star Telegram. I have worked in his home. I have worked for Dr. Ross seven weeks in his home. I have worked for Mayor Vandergriff. I took care of his last baby in his home. And I can go on and on.

      So I have been employed in over 200 homes at this salary. So I know the difference of working in very poor homes, people on welfare, that I worked in, and then working in the rich homes. So I have experience, gentlemen, is what I am trying to say.

      So I mentioned to Mrs. Rosenthal that Lee and Marina didn't have a baby bed, and Lee didn't have work clothes. He had had his suits from the United States yet with him when he went to Russia. But he needed work clothes since he got this job.

      She said, "Mrs. Oswald, what build is he?"

      And I told her. And he was about the same build as her husband.

      So she got out a lot of work clothes that her husband didn't want. However, she asked me $10 for 12 pairs of used pants. And I would not buy—give her $12. Here is a very wealthy woman, and she knows the story. And she knows that I have no money. And yet she expects me to pay for his used clothing. And so I have this principle about me. And I did not buy the used clothing, the clothing for Lee.

      Now, Lee is having a birthday, which is October 18th. And this is approximately the 6th or 7th of October.

      Now, this Sunday, October 12th, I went—this is very important, gentleman—I went to this home and I was there—I asked to get off an hour or two to see the children, from this OB case at the Rosenthals. I went to see my son and daughter-in-law, and they were nicely dressed. And while there, about 10 minutes, a young couple came into the home, approximately the same age as Marina and Lee, and they had a little boy who I would say was about 6 or 8 months older than June. The woman put the little boy in the playpen with June, and June went to touch him, and Marina got up and said, "Oh, no, hurt baby." She spoke in English. So I said, "Do you speak Russian?" to this couple. And they said, "No, we don't. We are Americans. But my father"—and I will have to say this—"or grandfather"—I do not know which—"is a Russian, from Siberia, and that is how we know Marina and Lee."

      So the conversation was general. And in the general conversation—now, this couple was from Dallas, visiting my family in Fort Worth. The conversation was general.

      And she said, "Lee, my father has this place of business in Dallas, and will offer you a job in Dallas."

      I said, "Lee, I didn't know that you wanted to give up your job and work in Dallas, because the Rosenthals that I am working for, her father owns the meatpacking house in Dallas, and she has told me that he employs hundreds of people, and if ever any time that you are in need, to go see her father, that she would be sure that he would give you a job."

      So, gentlemen, this was on a Sunday.

      I made coffee, and the house was in order. There was nothing packed.

      Lee got paid on a Friday, from the Leslie Sheetmetal Works.

      Monday Lee and Marina packed their belongings and went to Dallas.

      The point I am bringing, is that Lee had no idea of quitting his job in Fort Worth, because he was not packed. This was on a Sunday. And this couple offered a job in Dallas. And their father, her grandfather, was a Russian, and Lee went to Dallas on a Monday, and worked for the Arts Graphic. I do not know—but you probably have that information. His very first job there.

      Mr. Rankin. Do you know whether he was discharged by the Leslie people?

      Mrs. Oswald. No, sir, he was not discharged by the Leslie people. He just didn't show up. He was paid on a Friday, and that Monday he did not show up for work, because he came to Dallas.

      The point I am bringing out is this job was also offered to Lee from a Russian father. He had no idea of moving. There was nothing packed.

      Now, I understand that my son Robert helped him to move. And the way I know this—I went there on a Tuesday, and the children had gone, because they had left on a Monday. So then I went to Robert's home, and Robert was at work. So I was all upset. They didn't tell me they were leaving.

      I said to Veda. "Marina and Lee are no longer there, the house is vacant."

      Mr. Rankin. You spoke someone's name.

      Mrs. Oswald. Veda, V-e-d-a. Robert's wife is Veda. I said they had to move yesterday.

      She said "Robert helped them to move, and they gave us the food in the refrigerator."

      I said it came up all of a sudden, and I told the story about the couple being there.

      Mr. Rankin. Do you know the name of that couple?

      Mrs. Oswald. No, sir. And I have not been able to find out.

      I have asked Mrs. Paine recently, and she said she does not remember. And the night I was in Mrs. Paine's home, I asked Marina and Mrs. Paine, and they did say a name. Marina would know the name of the couple. But I do not have that information.

      Mr. Rankin. And was he the owner of this business?

      Mrs. Oswald. The father was the owner of the business. And this was an American couple. And they did not speak Russian, either one. The father was a Russian, or the grandfather—that owned this place of business.

      Mr. Rankin. I think you said the grandfather before.

      Mrs. Oswald. I said either the father or the grandfather. I cannot be sure.

      It was the girl's father or grandfather, and not the boy.

      So I told my daughter-in-law about this, and she knew about it.

      So now here is something that I would like to have my daughter-in-law as a witness.

      It has been stated in the paper that my son was giving Marina black eyes and possibly had beat her. And this is by the Russian people.

      Now, living in this home in Fort Worth, I had gone by several times I had a day off, and Marina was not at home.

      I said to her, "Marina, Mama come to see you yesterday. You no home." She didn't answer.

      I said, "Marina, Mama come see you. You no home, Marina."

      "No. I go to lady's house to take English lessons."

      Mr. Rankin. Do you know who she was speaking of?

      Mrs. Oswald. I do not know for a fact. But my son Robert will know. And that is why it is important to call him. That is what I am trying to say, Chief Justice Warren. These others will know this part of my story, give you the facts.

      I am assuming it is Mr. Peter Gregory's wife that

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