Old St Paul's (Historical Novel). William Harrison Ainsworth

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Old St Paul's  (Historical Novel) - William Harrison Ainsworth

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I have frightened her into the plague. But if she dies of fear, it will answer my purpose as well. And now for my husband."

      Taking up the lamp, and shading it with her hand, she gazed at his ghastly countenance.

      "He slumbers tranquilly," she muttered, after contemplating him for some time, adding with a chuckling laugh, "it would be a pity to waken him."

      And seating herself on a stool near the pallet, she turned over in her mind in what way she could best execute her diabolical purpose.

      While she was thus occupied, the messenger from Doctor Hodges arrived with a bundle of blankets and several phials and pots of ointment. The man offered to place the blankets on the pallet, but Judith would not let him.

      "I can do it better myself, and without disturbing the poor sufferer," she said. "Give my dutiful thanks to your master. Tell him my husband's mother, old widow Malmayns, fancies herself attacked by the plague, and if he will be kind enough to visit her, she lodges in the upper attic of a baker's house, at the sign of the Wheatsheaf, in Little Distaff-lane, hard by."

      "I will not fail to deliver your message to the doctor," replied the man, as he took his departure.

      Left alone with her husband a second time, Judith waited till she thought the man had got out of the cathedral, and then rising and taking the lamp, she repaired to the charnel, to make sure it was untenanted. Not content with this, she stole out into Saint Faith's, and gazing round as far as the feeble light of her lamp would permit, called out in a tone that even startled herself, "Is any one lurking there?" but receiving no other answer than was afforded by the deep echoes of the place, she returned to the vault. Just as she reached the door, a loud cry burst upon her ear, and rushing forward, she found that her husband had wakened.

      "Ah!" roared Malmayns, raising himself in bed, as he perceived her, "are you come back again, you she-devil? Where is my mother? Where is Kerrich? What have you done with them?"

      "They have both got the plague," replied his wife. "They caught it from you. But never mind them. I will watch over you as long as you live."

      "And that will be for years, you accursed jade," replied the sexton; "Dr. Hodges says I shall recover."

      "You have got worse since he left you," replied Judith. "Lie down, and let me throw these blankets over you."

      "Off!" cried the sick man, furiously. "You shall not approach me. You want to smother me."

      "I want to cure you," replied his wife, heaping the blankets upon the pallet. "The doctor has sent some ointment for your sore."

      "Then let him apply it himself," cried Malmayns, shaking his fist at her. "You shall not touch me. I will strangle you if you come near me."

      "Matthew," replied his wife, "I have had the plague myself, and know how to treat it better than any doctor in London. I will cure you, if you will let me."

      "I have no faith in you," replied Malmayns, "but I suppose I must submit. Take heed what you do to me, for if I have but five minutes to live, it will be long enough to revenge myself upon you."

      "I will anoint your sore with this salve," rejoined Judith, producing a pot of dark-coloured ointment, and rubbing his shoulder with it. "It was given me by Sibbald, the apothecary of Clerkenwell He is a friend of Chowles, the coffin-maker. You know Chowles, Matthew?"

      "I know him for as great a rascal as ever breathed," replied her husband, gruffly. "He has always cheated me out of my dues, and his coffins are the worst I ever put under ground."

      "He is making his fortune now," said Judith.

      "By the plague, eh?" replied Matthew. "I don't envy him. Money so gained won't stick to him. He will never prosper."

      "I wish you had his money, Matthew," replied his wife, in a coaxing tone.

      "If the plague hadn't attacked me when it did, I should have been richer than Chowles will ever be," replied the sexton,—"nay, I am richer as it is."

      "You surprise me," replied Judith, suddenly pausing in her task. "How have you obtained your wealth?"

      "I have discovered a treasure," replied, the sexton, with a mocking laugh,—"a secret hoard—a chest of gold—ha! ha!"

      "Where—where?" demanded his wife, eagerly.

      "That's a secret," replied Matthew.

      "I must have it from him before he dies," thought his wife. "Had we better not secure it without delay?" she added, aloud. "Some other person may find it."

      "Oh, it's safe enough," replied Matthew. "It has remained undiscovered for more than a hundred years, and will continue so for a hundred to come, unless I bring it forth."

      "But you will bring it forth, won't you?" said Judith.

      "Undoubtedly," replied Matthew, "if I get better. But not otherwise. Money would be of no use to me in the grave."

      "But it would be of use to me," replied his wife.

      "Perhaps it might," replied the sexton; "but if I die, the knowledge of the treasure shall die with me."

      "He is deceiving me," thought Judith, beginning to rub his shoulder afresh.

      "I suspect you have played me false, you jade," cried Malmayns, writhing with pain. "The stuff you have applied burns like caustic, and eats into my flesh."

      "It is doing its duty," replied his wife, calmly watching his agonies. "You will soon be easier."

      "Perhaps I shall—in death," groaned the sufferer. "I am parched with thirst. Give me a glass of water."

      "You shall have wine, Matthew, if you prefer it. I have a flask in my pocket," she replied. "But what of the treasure—where is it?"

      "Peace!" he cried. "I will baulk your avaricious hopes. You shall never know where it is."

      "I shall know as much as you do," she rejoined, in a tone of incredulity. "I don't believe a word you tell me. You have found no treasure."

      "If this is the last word I shall ever utter, I have," he returned; —"a mighty treasure. But you shall never possess it—never!—ah! ah!"

      "Nor shall you have the wine," she replied; "there is water for you," she added, handing him a jug, which he drained with frantic eagerness. "He is a dead man," she muttered.

      "I am chilled to the heart," grasped the sexton, shivering from head to foot, while chill damps gathered on his brow. "I have done wrong in drinking the water, and you ought not to have given it me."

      "You asked for it," she replied. "You should have had wine but for your obstinacy. But I will save you yet, if you will tell me where to find the treasure."

      "Look for it in my grave," he returned, with a hideous grin.

      Soon after this, he fell into a sort of stupor. His wife could now have easily put a period to his existence, but she still hoped to wrest the secret from him. She was assured, moreover, that his recovery was hopeless. At the expiration of about two hours, he was aroused by the excruciating anguish of his sore. He had again become delirious, and

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