The 2005 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2005 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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uncertain policies in areas like industrial licensing, trade, labor,

       and finance continue to hamper foreign investment.

      GDP (purchasing power parity):

       $2.9 billion (2003 est.)

      GDP - real growth rate:

       5.3% (2003 est.)

      GDP - per capita:

       purchasing power parity - $1,400 (2003 est.)

      GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 45% industry: 10% services: 45% (2002 est.)

      Labor force: NA note: massive lack of skilled labor

      Labor force - by occupation:

       agriculture 93%, industry and commerce 2%, services 5%

      Unemployment rate:


      Population below poverty line:


      Household income or consumption by percentage share:

       lowest 10%: NA

       highest 10%: NA

      Inflation rate (consumer prices):

       3% (2002 est.)


       revenues: $146 million

       expenditures: $152 million, including capital expenditures of NA

       note: the government of India finances nearly three-fifths of

       Bhutan's budget expenditures (FY95/96 est.)

      Agriculture - products:

       rice, corn, root crops, citrus, foodgrains; dairy products, eggs


       cement, wood products, processed fruits, alcoholic beverages,

       calcium carbide

      Industrial production growth rate:

       9.3% (1996 est.)

      Electricity - production:

       2.001 billion kWh (2002)

      Electricity - production by source: fossil fuel: 0.1% hydro: 99.9% nuclear: 0% other: 0% (2001)

      Electricity - consumption:

       312.9 million kWh (2002)

      Electricity - exports:

       1.56 billion kWh (2002)

      Electricity - imports:

       12 million kWh (2002)

      Oil - production:

       0 bbl/day (2001 est.)

      Oil - consumption:

       1,020 bbl/day (2001 est.)

      Oil - exports:


      Oil - imports:



       $154 million f.o.b. (2000 est.)

      Exports - commodities:

       electricity (to India), cardamom, gypsum, timber, handicrafts,

       cement, fruit, precious stones, spices

      Exports - partners:

       Bangladesh 47.4%, Japan 30.2%, France 3.4% (2004)


       $196 million c.i.f. (2000 est.)

      Imports - commodities:

       fuel and lubricants, grain, machinery and parts, vehicles, fabrics,


      Imports - partners:

       Germany 65.4%, Japan 14.3%, Austria 6.8%, UK 4.5% (2004)

      Debt - external:

       $245 million (2000)

      Economic aid - recipient:

       substantial aid from India and other nations

      Currency (code):

       ngultrum (BTN); Indian rupee (INR)

      Currency code:

       BTN; INR

      Exchange rates:

       ngultrum per US dollar - 45.317 (2004), 46.583 (2003), 48.61

       (2002), 47.186 (2001), 44.942 (2000)

      Fiscal year:

       1 July - 30 June

      Communications Bhutan

      Telephones - main lines in use:

       25,200 (2003)

      Telephones - mobile cellular:

       22,000 (2005)

      Telephone system:

       general assessment: telecommunications facilities are poor

       domestic: very low tele-density; domestic service is very poor

       especially in rural areas; wireless service available since 2003

       international: country code - 975; international telephone and

       telegraph service via landline and microwave relay through India;

       satellite earth station - 1 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean) (2005)

      Radio broadcast stations:

       AM 0, FM 1, shortwave 1 (2004)


       37,000 (1997)

      Television broadcast stations:

       1 (2005)


       11,000 (1997)

      Internet country code:


      Internet hosts:

       985 (2003)

      Internet Service Providers

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