The 2005 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2005 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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force: 17.37 million (2004)

      Labor force - by occupation: agriculture 3%, manufacturing 15%, construction 5%, services 74%, other 3% (2000)

      Unemployment rate:

       7% (2004)

      Population below poverty line:


      Household income or consumption by percentage share: lowest 10%: 2.8% highest 10%: 23.8% (1994)

      Distribution of family income - Gini index:

       31.5 (1994)

      Inflation rate (consumer prices):

       1.9% (2004 est.)

      Investment (gross fixed):

       19.4% of GDP (2004 est.)


       revenues: $151 billion

       expenditures: $144 billion, including capital expenditures of NA

       (2004 est.)

      Public debt:

       NA (2004 est.)

      Agriculture - products:

       wheat, barley, oilseed, tobacco, fruits, vegetables; dairy

       products; forest products; fish


       transportation equipment, chemicals, processed and unprocessed

       minerals, food products; wood and paper products; fish products,

       petroleum and natural gas

      Industrial production growth rate:

       2% (2004 est.)

      Electricity - production:

       548.9 billion kWh (2002)

      Electricity - production by source: fossil fuel: 28% hydro: 57.9% nuclear: 12.9% other: 1.3% (2001)

      Electricity - consumption:

       487.3 billion kWh (2002)

      Electricity - exports:

       36.13 billion kWh (2002)

      Electricity - imports:

       13 billion kWh (2002)

      Oil - production:

       3.11 million bbl/day (2004 est.)

      Oil - consumption:

       2.2 million bbl/day (2003 est.)

      Oil - exports:

       1.37 million bbl/day (2004)

      Oil - imports:

       987,000 bbl/day (2004)

      Oil - proved reserves:

       178.9 billion bbl including shale oil (2004 est.)

      Natural gas - production:

       165.8 billion cu m (2003 est.)

      Natural gas - consumption:

       55.8 billion cu m (2003 est.)

      Natural gas - exports:

       91.52 billion cu m (2003 est.)

      Natural gas - imports:

       8.73 billion cu m (2003 est.)

      Natural gas - proved reserves:

       1.691 trillion cu m (2004)

      Current account balance:

       $28.2 billion (2004 est.)


       $315.6 billion f.o.b. (2004 est.)

      Exports - commodities:

       motor vehicles and parts, industrial machinery, aircraft,

       telecommunications equipment; chemicals, plastics, fertilizers; wood

       pulp, timber, crude petroleum, natural gas, electricity, aluminum

      Exports - partners:

       US 85.2%, Japan 2.1%, UK 1.6% (2004)


       $256.1 billion f.o.b. (2004 est.)

      Imports - commodities:

       machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and parts, crude oil,

       chemicals, electricity, durable consumer goods

      Imports - partners:

       US 58.9%, China 6.8%, Mexico 3.8% (2004)

      Reserves of foreign exchange and gold:

       $36.27 billion (2003)

      Debt - external:

       $570 billion (2004)

      Economic aid - donor:

       ODA, $2 billion (2004)

      Currency (code):

       Canadian dollar (CAD)

      Currency code:


      Exchange rates:

       Canadian dollars per US dollar - 1.301 (2004), 1.4011 (2003),

       1.5693 (2002), 1.5488 (2001), 1.4851 (2000)

      Fiscal year:

       1 April - 31 March

      Communications Canada

      Telephones - main lines in use:

       19,950,900 (2003)

      Telephones - mobile cellular:

       13,221,800 (2003)

      Telephone system:

       general assessment: excellent service provided by modern technology

       domestic: domestic satellite system with about 300 earth stations

       international: country code - 1-xxx; 5 coaxial submarine cables;

       satellite earth stations - 5 Intelsat (4 Atlantic Ocean and 1

       Pacific Ocean) and 2 Intersputnik

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