The 2005 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2005 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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closed September 1995); the US ambassador to Cameroon is accredited

       to Equatorial Guinea; the US State Department is considering opening

       a Consulate Agency in Malabo

      Flag description:

       three equal horizontal bands of green (top), white, and red with a

       blue isosceles triangle based on the hoist side and the coat of arms

       centered in the white band; the coat of arms has six yellow

       six-pointed stars (representing the mainland and five offshore

       islands) above a gray shield bearing a silk-cotton tree and below

       which is a scroll with the motto UNIDAD, PAZ, JUSTICIA (Unity,

       Peace, Justice)

      Economy Equatorial Guinea

      Economy - overview:

       The discovery and exploitation of large oil reserves have

       contributed to dramatic economic growth in recent years. Forestry,

       farming, and fishing are also major components of GDP. Subsistence

       farming predominates. Although pre-independence Equatorial Guinea

       counted on cocoa production for hard currency earnings, the neglect

       of the rural economy under successive regimes has diminished

       potential for agriculture-led growth (the government has stated its

       intention to reinvest some oil revenue into agriculture). A number

       of aid programs sponsored by the World Bank and the IMF have been

       cut off since 1993 because of corruption and mismanagement. No

       longer eligible for concessional financing because of large oil

       revenues, the government has been unsuccessfully trying to agree on

       a "shadow" fiscal management program with the World Bank and IMF.

       Businesses, for the most part, are owned by government officials and

       their family members. Undeveloped natural resources include

       titanium, iron ore, manganese, uranium, and alluvial gold. Growth

       presumably remained strong in 2004, led by oil.

      GDP (purchasing power parity):

       $1.27 billion (2002 est.)

      GDP - real growth rate:

       20% (2002 est.)

      GDP - per capita:

       purchasing power parity - $2,700 (2002 est.)

      GDP - composition by sector: agriculture: 3% industry: 95.7% services: 1.3% (2004 est.)

      Labor force:


      Unemployment rate:

       30% (1998 est.)

      Population below poverty line:


      Household income or consumption by percentage share:

       lowest 10%: NA

       highest 10%: NA

      Inflation rate (consumer prices):

       8.5% (2004 est.)

      Investment (gross fixed):

       50.8% of GDP (2004 est.)


       revenues: $813.2 million

       expenditures: $375.3 million, including capital expenditures of NA

       (2004 est.)

      Agriculture - products: coffee, cocoa, rice, yams, cassava (tapioca), bananas, palm oil nuts; livestock; timber


       petroleum, fishing, sawmilling, natural gas

      Industrial production growth rate:

       30% (2002 est.)

      Electricity - production:

       26.69 million kWh (2002)

      Electricity - production by source: fossil fuel: 94.3% hydro: 5.7% nuclear: 0% other: 0% (2001)

      Electricity - consumption:

       24.82 million kWh (2002)

      Electricity - exports:

       0 kWh (2002)

      Electricity - imports:

       0 kWh (2002)

      Oil - production:

       350,000 bbl/day (2004 est.)

      Oil - consumption:

       2,000 bbl/day (2001 est.)

      Oil - exports:


      Oil - imports:


      Oil - proved reserves:

       563.5 million bbl (1 January 2002)

      Natural gas - production:

       20 million cu m (2001 est.)

      Natural gas - consumption:

       20 million cu m (2001 est.)

      Natural gas - exports:

       0 cu m (2001 est.)

      Natural gas - imports:

       0 cu m (2001 est.)

      Natural gas - proved reserves:

       68.53 billion cu m (1 January 2002)

      Current account balance:

       $-578.6 million (2004 est.)


       $2.771 billion f.o.b. (2004 est.)

      Exports - commodities:

       petroleum, methanol, timber, cocoa

      Exports - partners:


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