The 2005 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2005 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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population: 0.95 male(s)/female (2005 est.)

      Infant mortality rate:

       total: 4.26 deaths/1,000 live births

       male: 4.76 deaths/1,000 live births

       female: 3.73 deaths/1,000 live births (2005 est.)

      Life expectancy at birth:

       total population: 79.6 years

       male: 75.96 years

       female: 83.42 years (2005 est.)

      Total fertility rate:

       1.85 children born/woman (2005 est.)

      HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate:

       0.4% (2003 est.)

      HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS:

       120,000 (2003 est.)

      HIV/AIDS - deaths:

       less than 1,000 (2003 est.)


       noun: Frenchman(men), Frenchwoman(women)

       adjective: French

      Ethnic groups:

       Celtic and Latin with Teutonic, Slavic, North African, Indochinese,

       Basque minorities


       Roman Catholic 83%-88%, Protestant 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim 5%-10%,

       unaffiliated 4%


       French 100%, rapidly declining regional dialects and languages

       (Provencal, Breton, Alsatian, Corsican, Catalan, Basque, Flemish)


       definition: age 15 and over can read and write

       total population: 99%

       male: 99%

       female: 99% (1980 est.)

      Government France

      Country name:

       conventional long form: French Republic

       conventional short form: France

       local long form: Republique Francaise

       local short form: France

      Government type:




      Administrative divisions:

       22 regions (regions, singular - region); Alsace, Aquitaine,

       Auvergne, Basse-Normandie, Bourgogne, Bretagne, Centre,

       Champagne-Ardenne, Corse, Franche-Comte, Haute-Normandie,

       Ile-de-France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Limousin, Lorraine,

       Midi-Pyrenees, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Pays de la Loire, Picardie,

       Poitou-Charentes, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, Rhone-Alpes

       note: metropolitan France is divided into 22 regions (including the

       "territorial collectivity" of Corse or Corsica) and is subdivided

       into 96 departments; see separate entries for the overseas

       departments (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion) and the

       overseas territorial collectivities (Mayotte, Saint Pierre and


      Dependent areas:

       Bassas da India, Clipperton Island, Europa Island, French

       Polynesia, French Southern and Antarctic Lands, Glorioso Islands,

       Juan de Nova Island, New Caledonia, Tromelin Island, Wallis and


       note: the US does not recognize claims to Antarctica


       486 (unified by Clovis)

      National holiday:

       Bastille Day, 14 July (1789)


       adopted by referendum 28 September 1958, effective 4 October 1958;

       amended concerning election of president in 1962; amended to comply

       with provisions of 1992 EC Maastricht Treaty, 1996 Amsterdam Treaty,

       2000 Treaty of Nice; amended to tighten immigration laws in 1993;

       amended in 2000 to change the seven-year presidential term to a

       five-year term

      Legal system:

       civil law system with indigenous concepts; review of administrative

       but not legislative acts


       18 years of age; universal

      Executive branch:

       chief of state: President Jacques CHIRAC (since 17 May 1995)

       head of government: Prime Minister Dominique DE VILLEPIN (since 31

       May 2005)

       cabinet: Council of Ministers appointed by the president on the

       suggestion of the prime minister

       elections: president elected by popular vote for a five-year term

       (changed from seven-year term in October 2000); election last held

       21 April and 5 May 2002 (next to be held, first round April 2007,

       second round May 2007); prime minister nominated by the National

       Assembly majority and appointed by the president

       election results: Jacques CHIRAC reelected president; percent of

       vote, second ballot - Jacques CHIRAC (RPR) 81.96%, Jean-Marie LE PEN

       (FN) 18.04%

      Legislative branch:

       bicameral Parliament or Parlement consists of the Senate or Senat

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