The 2005 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 2005 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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conventional short form: Hong Kong

       local long form: Xianggang Tebie Xingzhengqu

       local short form: Xianggang

       abbreviation: HK

      Dependency status:

       special administrative region of China

      Government type:

       limited democracy

      Administrative divisions:

       none (special administrative region of China)


       none (special administrative region of China)

      National holiday:

       National Day (Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic

       of China), 1 October (1949); note - 1 July 1997 is celebrated as

       Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day


       Basic Law, approved in March 1990 by China's National People's

       Congress, is Hong Kong's "mini-constitution"

      Legal system:

       based on English common law


       direct election 18 years of age; universal for permanent residents

       living in the territory of Hong Kong for the past seven years;

       indirect election limited to about 200,000 members of functional

       constituencies and an 800-member election committee drawn from broad

       regional groupings, municipal organizations, and central government


      Executive branch:

       chief of state: President of China HU Jintao (since 15 March 2003)

       head of government: Chief Executive Donald TSANG (since 24 June 2005)

       cabinet: Executive Council consists of seven non-official members

       and 14 official members

       elections: previous chief executive TUNG Chee-hwa was elected to

       second five-year term in March 2002 by 800-member election committee

       dominated by pro-Beijing forces, resignation accepted 12 March 2005;

       Donald TSANG acted as chief executive between 12 March 2005 and 25

       May 2005; Henry TANG acted as chief executive between 25 May 2005

       and 24 June 2005; last election 16 June 2005 to fill final two years

       of TUNG's term (next to be held in June 2007)

      Legislative branch:

       unicameral Legislative Council or LEGCO (60 seats; in 2004 30 seats

       indirectly elected by functional constituencies, 30 elected by

       popular vote; members serve four-year terms)

       elections: last held 12 September 2004 (next to be held in September


       election results: percent of vote by party - pro-democracy group

       62%; seats by party - (pro-Beijing 34) DAB 12, Liberal Party 10,

       independents 11, FTU 1; (pro-democracy 25) independents 11,

       Democratic Party 9, CTU 2, ADPL 1, Frontier Party 1, NWSC 1; other 1

      Judicial branch:

       Court of Final Appeal in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

      Political parties and leaders:

       Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood or ADPL

       [Frederick FUNG Kin-kee, chairman]; Citizens Party [Alex CHAN

       Kai-chung]; Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong or

       DAB [MA Lik, chairman]; Democratic Party [LEE Wing-tat, chairman];

       Frontier Party [Emily LAU Wai-hing, chairwoman]; Liberal Party

       [James TIEN Pei-chun, chairman]

       note: political blocs include: pro-democracy - Association for

       Democracy and People's Livelihood, Democratic Party, Frontier Party;

       pro-Beijing - Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong,

       Hong Kong Progressive Alliance, Liberal Party

      Political pressure groups and leaders:

       Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (pro-China); Chinese

       Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong; Confederation of Trade

       Unions or CTU (pro-democracy) [LAU Chin-shek, president; LEE

       Cheuk-yan, general secretary]; Federation of Hong Kong Industries;

       Federation of Trade Unions or FTU (pro-China) [CHENG Yiu-tong,

       executive councilor]; Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Patriotic

       Democratic Movement in China [Szeto WAH, chairman]; Hong Kong and

       Kowloon Trade Union Council (pro-Taiwan); Hong Kong General Chamber

       of Commerce; Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union [CHEUNG

       Man-kwong, president]; Neighborhood and Workers' Service Center or

       NWSC (pro-democracy); The Alliance [Bernard CHAN, exco member]

      International organization participation: APEC, AsDB, BIS, ICC, ICFTU, IHO, IMF, IMO (associate), Interpol (subbureau), IOC, ISO (correspondent), UPU, WCL, WCO, WMO, WToO (associate), WTO

      Diplomatic representation in the US: none (special administrative region of China)

      Diplomatic representation from the US: chief of mission: Consul General James B. CUNNINGHAM consulate(s) general: 26 Garden Road, Hong Kong mailing address: PSC 461, Box 1, FPO AP 96521–0006 telephone: [852] 2523–9011 FAX: [852] 2524–0860

      Flag description: red with a stylized, white, five-petal bauhinia flower in the center

      Economy Hong Kong

      Economy - overview:

       Hong Kong has a free market, entrepot economy, highly dependent on

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