The 1994 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1994 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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countries; phone density is 29 phones per 100 persons (1992); almost

       two-thirds of the lines are residential; 67% of Sofia households have

       phones (November 1988); telephone service is available in most

       villages; broadcast stations - 20 AM, 15 FM, and 29 TV, with 1 Soviet

       TV repeater in Sofia; 2.1 million TV sets (1990); 92% of country

       receives No. 1 television program (May 1990); 1 satellite ground

       station using Intersputnik; INTELSAT is used through a Greek earth


      @Bulgaria, Defense Forces


       Army, Navy, Air and Air Defense Forces, Frontier Troops, Internal


       Manpower availability:

       males age 15–49 2,175,921; fit for military service 1,816,484; reach

       military age (19) annually 70,306 (1994 est.)

       Defense expenditures:

       5.77 billion leva, NA% of GDP (1993 est.); note - conversion of

       defense expenditures into US dollars using the current exchange rate

       could produce misleading results

      @Burkina, Geography


       Western Africa, between Ghana and Mali

       Map references:

       Africa, Standard Time Zones of the World


       total area:

       274,200 sq km

       land area:

       273,800 sq km

       comparative area:

       slightly larger than Colorado

       Land boundaries:

       total 3,192 km, Benin 306 km, Ghana 548 km, Cote d'Ivoire 584 km, Mali

       1,000 km, Niger 628 km, Togo 126 km


       0 km (landlocked)

       Maritime claims:

       none; landlocked

       International disputes:

       the disputed international boundary between Burkina and Mali was

       submitted to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in October 1983

       and the ICJ issued its final ruling in December 1986, which both sides

       agreed to accept; Burkina and Mali are proceeding with boundary

       demarcation, including the tripoint with Niger


       tropical; warm, dry winters; hot, wet summers


       mostly flat to dissected, undulating plains; hills in west and


       Natural resources:

       manganese, limestone, marble; small deposits of gold, antimony,

       copper, nickel, bauxite, lead, phosphates, zinc, silver

       Land use:

       arable land:


       permanent crops:


       meadows and pastures:


       forest and woodland:




       Irrigated land:

       160 sq km (1989 est.)


       current issues:

       recent droughts and desertification severely affecting agricultural

       activities, population distribution, and the economy; overgrazing;

       soil degradation; deforestation

       natural hazards:

       recurring droughts

       international agreements:

       party to - Biodiversity, Climate Change, Endangered Species, Marine

       Life Conservation, Ozone Layer Protection, Wetlands; signed, but not

       ratified - Law of the Sea, Nuclear Test Ban



      @Burkina, People


       10,134,661 (July 1994 est.)

       Population growth rate:

       2.81% (1994 est.)

       Birth rate:

       48.42 births/1,000 population (1994 est.)

       Death rate:

       18.2 deaths/1,000 population (1994 est.)

       Net migration rate:

       −2.08 migrant(s)/1,000 population (1994 est.)

       Infant mortality rate:

       118.3 deaths/1,000 live births (1994 est.)

       Life expectancy at birth:

       total population:

       47.03 years


       46.18 years


       47.9 years (1994 est.)

       Total fertility rate:

       6.94 children born/woman (1994 est.)




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