The 1996 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1996 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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parties and leaders: none

      International organization participation: none

      Diplomatic representation in US: none (territory of Australia)

      US diplomatic representation: none (territory of Australia)

      Flag: the flag of Australia is used


      Economic overview: Phosphate mining had been the only significant economic activity, but in December 1987 the Australian Government closed the mine as no longer economically viable. Private operators reopened the mine in 1990 under strict environmental controls, in particular to preserve the rain forest. A hotel and casino complex opened in 1993, and tourism is a likely growth sector.

      GDP: purchasing power parity - $NA

      GDP real growth rate: NA%

      GDP per capita: $NA

      GDP composition by sector: agriculture: NA% industry: NA% services: NA%

      Inflation rate (consumer prices): NA%

      Labor force: NA

       by occupation: all workers are employees of the Phosphate Mining

       Company of Christmas Island, Ltd.

      Unemployment rate: NA%

      Budget: revenues: $NA expenditures: $NA, including capital expenditures of $NA

      Industries: phosphate extraction (near depletion)

      Industrial production growth rate: NA%

      Electricity: capacity: 11,000 kW production: 30 million kWh consumption per capita: 17,800 kWh (1990)

      Agriculture: NA

      Exports: $NA

       commodities: phosphate

       partners: Australia, NZ

      Imports: $NA

       commodities: consumer goods

       partners: principally Australia

      External debt: $NA

      Economic aid: none

      Currency: 1 Australian dollar ($A) = 100 cents

      Exchange rates: Australian dollars ($A) per US$1 - 1.3477 (January 1996),1.3486 (1995), 1.3667 (1994), 1.4704, (1993), 1.3600 (1992), 1.2836 (1991)

      Fiscal year: 1 July - 30 June


      Railways: 24 km to serve phosphate mines

      Highways: total: NA km paved: NA km unpaved: NA km

      Ports: Flying Fish Cove

      Merchant marine: none

      Airports: total: 1 with paved runways 1 524 to 2 437 m: 1 (1995 est.)


      Telephones: NA

      Telephone system: domestic: NA international: NA

      Radio broadcast stations: AM 1, FM 0, shortwave 0

      Radios: 500 (1992)

      Television broadcast stations: 1

      Televisions: 350 (1992)


      Defense note: defense is the responsibility of Australia


      @Clipperton Island————————

      (possession of France)


      Location: 10 17 N, 109 13 W—Middle America, atoll in the North

       Pacific Ocean, 1,120 km southwest of Mexico


      Description: the flag of France is used


      Location: Middle America, atoll in the North Pacific Ocean, 1,120

       km southwest of Mexico

      Geographic coordinates: 10 17 N, 109 13 W

      Map references: World


       total area: 7 sq km

       land area: 7 sq km

       comparative area: about 12 times the size of The Mall in Washington,


      Land boundaries: 0 km

      Coastline: 11.1 km

      Maritime claims: exclusive economic zone: 200 nm territorial sea: 12 nm

      International disputes: claimed by Mexico

      Climate: tropical, humid, average temperature 20–32 degrees C, rains May-October

      Terrain: coral atoll lowest point: Pacific Ocean 0 m highest point: Rocher Clipperton 21 m

      Natural resources: none

      Land use:

       arable land: 0%

       permanent crops: 0%

       meadows and pastures: 0%

       forest and woodland: 0%

       other: 100% (all coral)

      Irrigated land: 0 sq km

      Environment: current issues: NA natural hazards: subject to tornadoes international agreements: NA

      Geographic note: reef about 8 km in circumference


      Population: uninhabited


      Name of country: conventional long form: none conventional short form: Clipperton Island local long form: none local short form: Ile Clipperton former: sometimes called Ile de la Passion

      Data code: IP

      Type of government: French possession administered by France from

       French Polynesia by the High

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