The 1996 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1996 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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rate (consumer prices): 6.2% (1990)

      Labor force: 5,810

       by occupation: agriculture 29%, government 27%, services 25%,

       industry 15%, other 4% (1981)

      Unemployment rate: NA%

      Budget: revenues: $NA expenditures: $NA, including capital expenditures of $NA

      Industries: fruit processing, tourism

      Industrial production growth rate: NA%

      Electricity: capacity: 14,000 kW production: 21 million kWh consumption per capita: 741 kWh (1993)

      Agriculture: copra, citrus, pineapples, tomatoes, bananas, yams, taro

      Exports: $3.4 million (f.o.b., 1990)

       commodities: copra, fresh and canned fruit, clothing

       partners: NZ 80%, Japan

      Imports: $50 million (c.i.f., 1990)

       commodities: foodstuffs, textiles, fuels, timber

       partners: NZ 49%, Japan, Australia, US

      External debt: $160 million (1994)

      Economic aid:

       recipient: ODA, $NA

       note: in 1994, Cook Islands received $5.4 million in budget support

       and $3.3 million in project aid from New Zealand, the country's

       largest source of aid

      Currency: 1 New Zealand dollar (NZ$) = 100 cents

      Exchange rates: New Zealand dollars (NZ$) per US$1 - 1.5138 (January 1996), 1.5235 (1995), 1.6844 (1994), 1.8495 (1993), 1.8584 (1992), 1.7265 (1991)

      Fiscal year: 1 April - 31 March


      Railways: 0 km

      Highways: total: 187 km paved: 35 km unpaved: 152 km (1980 est.)

      Ports: Avarua, Avatiu

      Merchant marine:

       total: 1 cargo ship (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 1,464 GRT/2,181 DWT

       (1995 est.)


       total: 7

       with paved runways 1 524 to 2 437 m: 1

       with unpaved runways 1 524 to 2 437 m: 3

       with unpaved runways 914 to 1 523 m: 3 (1995 est.)


      Telephones: 4,180 (1994)

      Telephone system:

       domestic: the individual islands are connected by a combination of

       satellite earth stations, microwave systems, and VHF and HF

       radiotelephone; within the islands, service is provided by small

       exchanges connected to subscribers by open wire, cable, and

       fiber-optic cable

       international: satellite earth station - 1 Intelsat (Pacific Ocean)

      Radio broadcast stations: AM 1, FM 1, shortwave 1

      Radios: 13,000 (1992 est.)

      Television broadcast stations: 1 studio and 8 low-powered repeaters to achieve good coverage on the island of Rarotonga

      Televisions: 3,500 (1995 est.)


      Defense note: defense is the responsibility of New Zealand


      @Coral Sea Islands————————

      (territory of Australia)


      Location: 18 00 S, 152 00 E—Oceania, islands in the Coral Sea,

       northeast of Australia


      Description: the flag of Australia is used


      Location: Oceania, islands in the Coral Sea, northeast of Australia

      Geographic coordinates: 18 00 S, 152 00 E

      Map references: Oceania


       total area: less than 3 sq km

       land area: less than 3 sq km

       comparative area: NA

       note: includes numerous small islands and reefs scattered over a sea

       area of about 1 million sq km, with Willis Islets the most important

      Land boundaries: 0 km

      Coastline: 3,095 km

      Maritime claims: exclusive fishing zone: 200 nm territorial sea: 3 nm

      International disputes: none

      Climate: tropical

      Terrain: sand and coral reefs and islands (or cays) lowest point: Pacific Ocean 0 m highest point: unnamed location on Cato Island 6 m

      Natural resources: negligible

      Land use:

       arable land: 0%

       permanent crops: 0%

       meadows and pastures: 0%

       forest and woodland: 0%

       other: 100% (mostly grass or scrub cover)

      Irrigated land: 0 sq km


       current issues: no permanent fresh water resources

       natural hazards: occasional, tropical cyclones

       international agreements: NA

      Geographic note: important nesting area for birds and turtles



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