The 1996 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1996 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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purchasing power parity - $2.5 billion (1995 est.)

      GDP real growth rate: 2% (1995 est.)

      GDP per capita: $9,800 (1995 est.)

      GDP composition by sector: agriculture: 6.4% industry: 39.3% services: 54.3% (1994)

      Inflation rate (consumer prices): 1.7% (1995 est.)

      Labor force: 126,000 (1993) by occupation: services and government 41%, commerce 15%, manufacturing and construction 18%, transportation, storage, communications, and financial institutions 8%, agriculture 6%, utilities 2% (1992 est.)

      Unemployment rate: 19.9% (September 1995)


       revenues: $550 million

       expenditures: $710 million, including capital expenditures of $86

       million (FY95/96 est.)

      Industries: tourism, sugar, light manufacturing, component

       assembly for export

      Industrial production growth rate: 5% (1995 est.)

      Electricity: capacity: 152,100 kW production: 510 million kWh consumption per capita: 1,841 kWh (1993)

      Agriculture: sugarcane, vegetables, cotton

      Illicit drugs: one of many Caribbean transshipment points for narcotics bound for the US and Europe

      Exports: $158.6 million (f.o.b., 1995 est.)

       commodities: sugar and molasses, rum, other foods and beverages,

       chemicals, electrical components, clothing

       partners: US 13%, UK 10%, Trinidad and Tobago 9%, Windward Islands 8%

      Imports: $693 million (c.i.f., 1995 est.)

       commodities: consumer goods, machinery, foodstuffs, construction

       materials, chemicals, fuel, electrical components

       partners: US 36%, UK 11%, Trinidad and Tobago 11%, Japan 3%

      External debt: $408 million (1995 est.)

      Economic aid: $NA

      Currency: 1 Barbadian dollar (Bds$) = 100 cents

      Exchange rates: Barbadian dollars (Bds$) per US$1 - 2.0113 (fixed rate)

      Fiscal year: 1 April - 31 March


      Railways: 0 km

      Highways: total: 1,550 km paved: 1,550 km

      Ports: Bridgetown

      Merchant marine:

       total: 34 ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 183,937 GRT/271,707 DWT

       ships by type: bulk 6, cargo 21, combination bulk 3, oil tanker 3,

       roll-on/roll-off cargo 1 (1995 est.)

      Airports: total: 1 with paved runways over 3 047 m: 1 (1995 est.)


      Telephones: 87,343 (1991 est.)

      Telephone system:

       domestic: island wide automatic telephone system

       international: satellite earth station - 1 Intelsat (Atlantic

       Ocean); tropospheric scatter to Trinidad and Saint Lucia

      Radio broadcast stations: AM 3, FM 2, shortwave 0

      Radios: NA

      Television broadcast stations: 2 (1 pay)

      Televisions: 69,350 (1993 est.)


      Branches: Royal Barbados Defense Force (includes Ground Forces and

       Coast Guard), Royal Barbados Police Force

      Manpower availability: males age 15–49: 71,667 males fit for military service: 49,726 (1996 est.)

      Defense expenditures: $NA, NA% of GDP


      @Bassas da India———————

      (possession of France)


      Location: 21 30 S, 39 50 E—Southern Africa, islands in the southern Mozambique Channel, about one-half of the way from Madagascar to Mozambique


      Description: the flag of France is used


      Location: Southern Africa, islands in the southern Mozambique

       Channel, about one-half of the way from Madagascar to Mozambique

      Geographic coordinates: 21 30 S, 39 50 E

      Map references: Africa


       total area: 0.2 sq km

       land area: 0.2 sq km

       comparative area: about one-third the size of The Mall in

       Washington, DC

      Land boundaries: 0 km

      Coastline: 35.2 km

      Maritime claims: exclusive economic zone: 200 nm territorial sea: 12 nm

      International disputes: claimed by Madagascar

      Climate: tropical

      Terrain: a volcanic rock 2.4 meters high lowest point: Indian Ocean 0 m highest point: unnamed location 3 m

      Natural resources: none

      Land use:

       arable land: 0%

       permanent crops: 0%

       meadows and pastures: 0%

       forest and woodland: 0%

       other: 100% (all rock)

      Irrigated land: 0 sq km


       current issues: NA

       natural hazards:

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