The 1996 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1996 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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      Terrain: mostly mountainous with some fertile valleys and savanna

       lowest point: Dangme Chu 97 m

       highest point: Khula Kangri I 7,553 m

      Natural resources: timber, hydropower, gypsum, calcium carbide

      Land use:

       arable land: 2%

       permanent crops: 0%

       meadows and pastures: 5%

       forest and woodland: 70%

       other: 23%

      Irrigated land: 340 sq km (1989 est.)


       current issues: soil erosion; limited access to potable water

       natural hazards: violent storms coming down from the Himalayas are

       the source of the country's name which translates as Land of the

       Thunder Dragon; frequent landslides during the rainy season

       international agreements: party to - Biodiversity, Climate Change,

       Nuclear Test Ban; signed, but not ratified - Law of the Sea

      Geographic note: landlocked; strategic location between China and

       India; controls several key Himalayan mountain passes


      Population: 1,822,625 (July 1996 est.)

       note: other estimates range as low as 600,000

      Age structure:

       0–14 years: 40% (male 378,407; female 351,146)

       15–64 years: 56% (male 524,972; female 496,715)

       65 years and over: 4% (male 36,304; female 35,081) (July 1996 est.)

      Population growth rate: 2.32% (1996 est.)

      Birth rate: 38.48 births/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Death rate: 15.28 deaths/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Net migration rate: 0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Sex ratio:

       at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female

       under 15 years: 1.08 male(s)/female

       15–64 years: 1.06 male(s)/female

       65 years and over: 1.04 male(s)/female

       all ages: 1.06 male(s)/female (1996 est.)

      Infant mortality rate: 116.3 deaths/1,000 live births (1996 est.)

      Life expectancy at birth: total population: 51.46 years male: 51.96 years female: 50.93 years (1996 est.)

      Total fertility rate: 5.33 children born/woman (1996 est.)


       noun: Bhutanese (singular and plural)

       adjective: Bhutanese

      Ethnic divisions: Bhote 50%, ethnic Nepalese 35%, indigenous or

       migrant tribes 15%

      Religions: Lamaistic Buddhism 75%, Indian- and Nepalese-influenced

       Hinduism 25%

      Languages: Dzongkha (official), Bhotes speak various Tibetan

       dialects, Nepalese speak various Nepalese dialects

      Literacy: age 15 and over can read and write (1995 est.)

       total population: 42.2%

       male: 56.2%

       female: 28.1%


      Name of country: conventional long form: Kingdom of Bhutan conventional short form: Bhutan

      Data code: BT

      Type of government: monarchy; special treaty relationship with


      Capital: Thimphu

      Administrative divisions: 18 districts (dzongkhag, singular and

       plural); Bumthang, Chhukha, Chirang, Daga, Geylegphug, Ha, Lhuntshi,

       Mongar, Paro, Pemagatsel, Punakha, Samchi, Samdrup Jongkhar,

       Shemgang, Tashigang, Thimphu, Tongsa, Wangdi Phodrang

      Independence: 8 August 1949 (from India)

      National holiday: National Day, 17 December (1907) (Ugyen

       Wangchuck became first hereditary king)

      Constitution: no written constitution or bill of rights

       note: Bhutan uses 1953 Royal decree for the Constitution of the

       National Assembly

      Legal system: based on Indian law and English common law; has not

       accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

      Suffrage: each family has one vote in village-level elections

      Executive branch:

       Chief of State and Head of Government (Druk Gyalpo): King Jigme

       Singye WANGCHUCK (since 24 July 1972) is a hereditary monarch

       Royal Advisory Council (Lodoi Tsokde): was nominated by the king

       cabinet: Council of Ministers (Lhengye Shungtsog) was appointed by

       the king

      Legislative branch: unicameral

       National Assembly (Tshogdu): members serve for three years; seats -

       (150 total, 105 elected from village constituencies, 12 represent

       religious bodies, and 33 designated by the king to represent

       government and other secular interests)

      Judicial branch: the Supreme Court of Appeal is the king; High

       Court, judges appointed by the king

      Political parties and leaders: no legal parties

      Other political or pressure groups: Buddhist clergy; Indian

       merchant community;

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