The 1996 CIA World Factbook. United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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The 1996 CIA World Factbook - United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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      Manpower availability: males age 15–49: 1,312,458 males fit for military service: 683,073 males reach military age (16) annually: 67,990 (1996 est.)

      Defense expenditures: exchange rate conversion - $25 million, 2.6% of GDP (1993)




      Location: 13 00 N, 105 00 E—Southeastern Asia, bordering the

       Gulf of Thailand, between Thailand and Vietnam


      Description: three horizontal bands of blue (top), red (double width), and blue with a white three-towered temple representing Angkor Wat outlined in black in the center of the red band


      Location: Southeastern Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand,

       between Thailand and Vietnam

      Geographic coordinates: 13 00 N, 105 00 E

      Map references: Southeast Asia


       total area: 181,040 sq km

       land area: 176,520 sq km

       comparative area: slightly smaller than Oklahoma

      Land boundaries: total: 2,572 km border countries: Laos 541 km, Thailand 803 km, Vietnam 1,228 km

      Coastline: 443 km

      Maritime claims: contiguous zone: 24 nm continental shelf: 200 nm exclusive economic zone: 200 nm territorial sea: 12 nm

      International disputes: offshore islands and sections of the boundary with Vietnam are in dispute; maritime boundary with Vietnam not defined; parts of border with Thailand in dispute; maritime boundary with Thailand not clearly defined

      Climate: tropical; rainy, monsoon season (May to November); dry season (December to April); little seasonal temperature variation

      Terrain: mostly low, flat plains; mountains in southwest and north lowest point: Gulf of Thailand 0 m highest point: Phnum Aoral 1,810 m

      Natural resources: timber, gemstones, some iron ore, manganese,

       phosphates, hydropower potential

      Land use:

       arable land: 16%

       permanent crops: 1%

       meadows and pastures: 3%

       forest and woodland: 76%

       other: 4%

      Irrigated land: 920 sq km (1989 est.)


       current issues: logging activities throughout the country and strip

       mining for gems in the western region along the border with Thailand

       are resulting in habitat loss and declining biodiversity (in

       particular, destruction of mangrove swamps threatens natural

       fisheries); deforestation; soil erosion; in rural areas, a majority

       of the population does not have access to potable water

       natural hazards: monsoonal rains (June to November); flooding;

       occasional droughts

       international agreements: party to - Marine Life Conservation, Ship

       Pollution; signed, but not ratified - Biodiversity, Climate Change,

       Desertification, Endangered Species, Law of the Sea, Marine Dumping,

       Tropical Timber 94

      Geographic note: a land of paddies and forests dominated by the

       Mekong River and Tonle Sap


      Population: 10,861,218 (July 1996 est.)

      Age structure:

       0–14 years: 45% (male 2,505,998; female 2,432,620)

       15–64 years: 51% (male 2,579,986; female 3,007,838)

       65 years and over: 4% (male 143,759; female 191,017) (July 1996 est.)

      Population growth rate: 2.77% (1996 est.)

      Birth rate: 43.5 births/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Death rate: 15.78 deaths/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Net migration rate: 0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (1996 est.)

      Sex ratio:

       at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female

       under 15 years: 1.03 male(s)/female

       15–64 years: 0.86 male(s)/female

       65 years and over: 0.75 male(s)/female

       all ages: 0.93 male(s)/female (1996 est.)

      Infant mortality rate: 107.8 deaths/1,000 live births (1996 est.)

      Life expectancy at birth: total population: 49.86 years male: 48.39 years female: 51.39 years (1996 est.)

      Total fertility rate: 5.81 children born/woman (1996 est.)

      Nationality: noun: Cambodian(s) adjective: Cambodian

      Ethnic divisions: Khmer 90%, Vietnamese 5%, Chinese 1%, other 4%

      Religions: Theravada Buddhism 95%, other 5%

      Languages: Khmer (official), French

      Literacy: age 15 and over can read and write (1990 est.)

       total population: 35%

       male: 48%

       female: 22%


      Name of country:

       conventional long form: Kingdom of Cambodia

       conventional short form: Cambodia

       local long form: Preahreacheanachakr Kampuchea

       local short form: Kampuchea

      Data code: CB

      Type of government: multiparty liberal democracy under a constitutional monarchy

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