Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing. Jakob J. van Zyl

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Introduction to the Physics and Techniques of Remote Sensing - Jakob J. van Zyl

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the application of color infrared and multispectral photography were undertaken under the sponsorship of NASA, leading to the launch of multispectral imagers on the Landsat satellites in the 1970s. A major breakthrough was the advent of electronic detectors particularly in large arrays and across many spectral regions.

Graph depicts spectral signature of some vegetation types.

      Source: From Brooks (1972).

      At the long wavelength end of the spectrum, active microwave systems have been used since early this century and particularly after World War II to detect and track moving objects such as ships and, later, planes. More recently, active microwave sensors have been developed providing two‐dimensional images that look very similar to regular photography, except the image brightness is a reflection of the scattering properties of the surface in the microwave region. Passive microwave sensors were also developed to provide “photographs” of the microwave emission of natural objects.

      The tracking and ranging capabilities of radio systems were known as early as 1889, when Heinrich Hertz showed that solid objects reflected radio waves. In the first quarter of this century, a number of investigations were conducted in the use of radar systems for the detection and tracking of ships and planes and for the study of the ionosphere.

      Radar work expanded dramatically during World War II. Today, the diversity of applications for radar is truly startling. It is being used to study ocean surface features, lower and upper atmospheric phenomena, subsurface and surface land structures, and surface cover. Radar sensors exist in many different configurations. These include altimeters to provide topographic measurements, scatterometers to measure surface roughness, and polarimetric and interferometric imagers.

Photos depict the Landsat TM images of Death Valley acquired at 0.48 micrometer (a), 0.56 micrometer (b), 0.66 micrometer (c), 0.83 micrometer (d), 1.65 micrometer (e), and 11.5 micrometer (f).

      The most recently introduced remote sensing instrument is the laser, which was first developed in 1960. It is mainly being used for atmospheric studies, topographic mapping, and surface studies by fluorescence.

Photo depicts the images of an area near Cuprite, Nevada, acquired with an airborne imaging spectrometer. The image is shown to the left. The spectral curves derived from the image data are compared to the spectral curves measured in the laboratory using samples from the same area.

      Source: Courtesy of JPL. See color section.

      The capabilities of remote sensing satellites have also dramatically increased over the past three decades. The number of spectral channels available has grown from a few to more than 200 in the case of the Hyperion instrument. Resolutions of a few meters or less are now available from commercial vendors. Synthetic aperture radars are now capable of collecting images on demand in many different modes. Satellites are now acquiring images of other planets in more spectral channels and with better resolutions than what was available for the Earth two decades ago. And as the remote sensing data have become more available, the number of applications has grown. In many cases, the limitation now has shifted from the technology that acquires the data to the techniques and training to optimally exploit the information embedded in the remote sensing data.

      Source: From Liu (1983). © 1983, John Wiley & Sons.

      Source: Bracalante et al. (1980). © 1980, IEEE.

Graph depicts profile of Tharsis region (Mars) acquired with Earth-based radar. Graph depicts profiles of an unnamed impact basin on Mars using Earth-based radar. The set of profiles shown correspond to the box overlay on the figure.

      Figure 1.14 Profiles of an unnamed impact basin on Mars using Earth‐based radar. The set of profiles shown correspond to the box overlay on the figure.

      Up until 1946, remote sensing data were mainly acquired from airplanes or balloons. In 1946, pictures were taken from V‐2 rockets. The sounding rocket photographs proved invaluable in illustrating

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