Book-2. Hilt novella. V. Speys
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curled up his mustache so prim and proper beard attached that indescribable look of the exterior, which puts complacency over the years the authorities. After a rather long silence Minister finally
deign to look.
– Ah, well, it’s you! – Trying as much as possible viper said Misar. Ort barely restrained myself from pleasure to smash his head minister still strong fist.
– Why did you put me in jail? – He growled angrily.
– Oh, yeah, it’s been so long! – Pulled Misar words. – You seem to be. do not refuse service to Rishi.
– Ah! So that’s what you baked me.
– I ask you, did you fly into space in the case of the Ministry of or the President?
– I flew there in a difficult moment for our country. It was Come time to be not be war. And, as you know, due to the fact that we have become a hundred times stronger than the other, our country has remained makes it a strong president. But Hilt with his friends saved the authority of the President. As I said, they got to the rocket itself, and the best of them died. Hilt set off alone. Soon I spotted tracking station. Hilt he took out of my hands and carefully record delivered to the President, of course, it is costly. Then you know. In front of representatives of the governments subservient was produced an explosion at the South Pole. A thick layer of ice deposited over the centuries in this vast continent, in a few moments was swept into the ocean. A huge water bank three times attacked the coastal states, causing death and resignation before the power our country. The power of the President was saved. Rishi paid disease and died. An Hilt and goes to the lieutenants. Here it – the generosity of Lords.
– Tell me, Ort, who has been with Hilt at the time of your return?
– This you can ask him. Well, that’s all. So What will happen to me?
– Hey, watch! Take him away! – Ordered Misar. Ort brought back entrance to the car, parked in the yard, and, pushed rough inside, slammed the door…
Renee filed a strict formal dress and helped to change Adviser form, as befits in such cases. Adviser, as well as members of the government, it is rarely used modern means of communication, preferring personal contacts with the President. Dressed and examined herself in the mirror, pleased Misar said: – Take me. Renee, lighting a lantern narrow corridor had Misar to the secret door of the President’s office. The office of the adjutant on duty when the remote his desk lit red button means “let no one, no one to connect.” Noticing key aide turned signal accurately determine the end of the ban. When the door opened in the wall, letting the Adviser, the President was sitting in a large chair, chin propped on his hands. His steel-gray eyes reflected the impenetrable walls of pinkish shimmer.
– Audience is scheduled for twenty-two zero. Running late, Misar. – Without looking, firm voice said Tir.
– Excuse me, Mr. President. – Leaning in obeisance, Misar waited. “Cunning fox! – Thought Tir, – he still hopes to fight me.”
– I need reliable dedicated people who are able to fulfill any order in a critical situation. Where are they? – Barked lord. Misar rapidly blinking eye lids, then screwing them into the slits of cunning, said with undisguised flattery:
– Mr. President, you were pleased to know where they are?
– Look, Co-vet is intimately, I’m not going to listen to, let alone more to tell you a fable. Answer on the merits!
– Mr. Hilt. – Briefly stated Misar.
– Fine. – The president nodded his head. He long known the courage and bravery of devotional officer. His agility and resourcefulness, but as a person who is used to rake in another’s hands glow, gave the opportunity to come to the same conclusion to his advisers.
– Yes, I remember him, he did his the best side. – And knowing all that talked with Adviser Ort, through eavesdropping equipment, took a pre-cooked pre-recorded media, he added: – show it to him.
Having opened his mouth, Adviser wanted to say something, but the words
stuck in his throat, his eyes met the eyes of the Lords of the World. Taking
The USB flash drive with recording, he moved back to the door.
In the hallway, he turned his back to the office and hurried to him. Along the way Misar thinking:
“One way or another, and carry out the orders they still have mine, and so my skin and they will save the name of the President.” Satisfied with that in mind, it was a dark corridor frozen by guards.
Renee with dog-like devotion waiting for its new owner in cabinet doors.
– No news was that? – Asked Misar appeared.
– All is calm, Sir. – Posted by Renee, what Misar motioned to leave. For a moment Counselor’s office was in the middle, with his large the lapels of his fingers vests, wondering about something intently. But Suddenly a sharp movement opened the office door and called out: – Mr. Hilt! – Insinuating voice was drowned in the depths of a dark corridor. Hilt was sleeping on the couch near the window.
– Mr. Hilt! – A sound response. Misar briskly walked over to his desk. On the keyboard, remote scored a personal code of Hilt. On the wide belt guard immediately give the green call key, and small screen has issued a series of numbers, a caller code, in that same moment he heard a rhythmic tone. Hilt sleepy body slid off the couch on a soft carpet.
Hilt rose. Having found a green light, read the code on a screen belt and turned signal. Straightened form hastened Misar to the office.
– I beg your pardon, Mr. Counsel. – He said, entering.
– Nothing, nothing! – Almost tenderly replied Misar. The tone of the Adviser gave Hilt vigor, in that moment he remembered Ort.
Meanwhile Misar got up from his desk and placed in a comfortable chair, pointing to another Hilt, invited to sit down. On the coffee table is a bottle of good with a cocktail two glasses, Renee took care of it in advance.
– Mr. Hilt, I need a brave and loyal man, pouring cocktail glasses, spoke Misar! – For this I have invited you.
– You can have me, Mr. Counsel, as you will anything.
– Not so long ago happened to you one more adventure. On the face of Hilt display the sincere bewilderment.
– I will remind you about the history of the comet Gall, travel with your two friends.
– What kind of friends? – Surprise again asked Hilt.
– Yes, the same as those with which you began the service by the President.
– I do not understand, Mr. Counsel, in those years, I had a lot of friends.
– Right you say gives the President.
– The