Beyond the impossible. There are no boundaries. Anastasia Wes

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Beyond the impossible. There are no boundaries - Anastasia Wes

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true and untrue and even relying on logic it can draw completely different conclusions proving them with its own logic and the mind will make it so that it will not understand that it is wrong and will believe everything that its thinking tells it. People are used to their thinking and believe that it does not lie, but this is far from the case as you have already understood.

      Why did you all take that your world is material and it is not proven by anything and why did you not understand about the unreasonableness of everything and it is so simple, and all because your mind is set not to understand these things and not to think about this at all, but to think only about the implementation of your evolutionary programs so that you do not even have a thought to understand something about the real world and your consciousness constantly deceives you and prevents you from understanding the truth.

      Your consciousness is imperfect and later we will consider that consciousness is not the only thing that exists and there is an infinity of other tools, but for now we will consider about your consciousness and about the illusion of common sense, which is the same illusion as the illusion of reason. You think that your common sense never lies to you, but this is far from the case.

      5. The illusion of common sense.

      In addition to the illusion of rational thinking, there is the illusion of common sense and, for example, your common sense tells you that a square circle is an impossible and unthinkable figure and that a circle cannot be made of a square. Your imaginable and unthinkable, as well as the possible and impossible, depend on the parameters of the common sense of your reality, and we will call the common sense itself at the basis of reality a common sense construct.

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