The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Knowledge house

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The Complete Works of Shakespeare - Knowledge house

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comes Boyet, and mirth is in his face.


      O, I am [stabb’d] with laughter! Where’s her Grace?


      Thy news, Boyet?


      Prepare, madam, prepare!

      Arm, wenches, arm! encounters mounted are

      Against your peace. Love doth approach disguis’d,

      Armed in arguments—you’ll be surpris’d.

      Muster your wits, stand in your own defense,

      Or hide your heads like cowards, and fly hence.


      Saint Denis to Saint Cupid! What are they

      That charge their breath against us? Say, scout, say.


      Under the cool shade of a sycamore

      I thought to close mine eyes some half an hour;

      When lo, to interrupt my purpos’d rest,

      Toward that shade I might behold address’d

      The King and his companions. Warily

      I stole into a neighbor thicket by,

      And overheard what you shall overhear:

      That by and by disguis’d [they] will be here.

      Their herald is a pretty knavish page,

      That well by heart hath conn’d his embassage.

      Action and accent did they teach him there:

      “Thus must thou speak,” and “thus thy body bear”;

      And ever and anon they made a doubt

      Presence majestical would put him out;

      “For,” quoth the King, “an angel shalt thou see;

      Yet fear not thou, but speak audaciously.”

      The boy replied, “An angel is not evil;

      I should have fear’d her had she been a devil.”

      With that all laugh’d, and clapp’d him on the shoulder,

      Making the bold wag by their praises bolder.

      One rubb’d his elbow thus, and fleer’d, and swore

      A better speech was never spoke before.

      Another, with his finger and his thumb,

      Cried, “Via! we will do’t, come what will come.”

      The third he caper’d, and cried, “All goes well.”

      The fourth turn’d on the toe, and down he fell.

      With that they all did tumble on the ground,

      With such a zealous laughter, so profound,

      That in this spleen ridiculous appears,

      To check their folly, passion’s solemn tears.


      But what, but what, come they to visit us?


      They do, they do; and are apparell’d thus,

      Like Muscovites or Russians, as I guess.

      Their purpose is to parley, to court, and dance,

      And every one his love-feat will advance

      Unto his several mistress, which they’ll know

      By favors several which they did bestow.


      And will they so? The gallants shall be task’d:

      For, ladies, we will every one be mask’d,

      And not a man of them shall have the grace,

      Despite of suit, to see a lady’s face.

      Hold, Rosaline, this favor thou shalt wear,

      And then the King will court thee for his dear.

      Hold, take thou this, my sweet, and give me thine,

      So shall Berowne take me for Rosaline.

      And change you favors too, so shall your loves

      Woo contrary, deceiv’d by these removes.


      Come on then, wear the favors most in sight.


      But in this changing, what is your intent?


      The effect of my intent is to cross theirs:

      They do it but in mockery merriment,

      And mock for mock is only my intent.

      Their several counsels they unbosom shall

      To loves mistook, and so be mock’d withal

      Upon the next occasion that we meet,

      With visages display’d, to talk and greet.


      But shall we dance, if they desire us to’t?


      No, to the death we will not move a foot,

      Nor to their penn’d speech render we no grace,

      But while ’tis spoke each turn away [her] face.


      Why, that contempt will kill the speaker’s heart,


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