The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Knowledge house

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The Complete Works of Shakespeare - Knowledge house

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       Enter Antipholus [of] Syracusa, with his rapier drawn, and Dromio [of] Syracusa.


      God for thy mercy! they are loose again.


      And come with naked swords: let’s call more help

      To have them bound again.


      Away, they’ll kill us.

       Exeunt omnes [but Antipholus of Syracuse and Dromio of Syracuse] as fast as may be, frighted.

       S. Ant.

      I see these witches are afraid of swords.

       S. Dro.

      She that would be your wife now ran from you.

       S. Ant.

      Come to the Centaur, fetch our stuff from thence;

      I long that we were safe and sound aboard.

      S. Dro. Faith, stay here this night, they will surely do us no harm. You saw they speak us fair, give us gold: methinks they are such a gentle nation that, but for the mountain of mad flesh that claims marriage of me, I could find in my heart to stay here still, and turn witch.

       S. Ant.

      I will not stay to-night for all the town:

      Therefore away, to get our stuff aboard.



      Errors-4-4,Francis Wheatley,James Stow Francis Wheatley, p. — James Stow, e.

      ACT V

      Scene I

       Enter the [Second] Merchant and [Angelo] the goldsmith.


      I am sorry, sir, that I have hind’red you,

      But I protest he had the chain of me,

      Though most dishonestly he doth deny it.

       [2. E.] Mer.

      How is the man esteem’d here in the city?


      Of very reverent reputation, sir,

      Of credit infinite, highly belov’d,

      Second to none that lives here in the city:

      His word might bear my wealth at any time.

       [2. E.] Mer.

      Speak softly, yonder, as I think, he walks.

       Enter Antipholus [of Syracuse] and Dromio [of Syracuse] again.


      ’Tis so; and that self chain about his neck,

      Which he forswore most monstrously to have.

      Good sir, draw near to me, I’ll speak to him.

      Signior Antipholus, I wonder much

      That you would put me to this shame and trouble,

      And, not without some scandal to yourself,

      With circumstance and oaths so to deny

      This chain which now you wear so openly.

      Beside the charge, the shame, imprisonment,

      You have done wrong to this my honest friend,

      Who, but for staying on our controversy,

      Had hoisted sail and put to sea to-day.

      This chain you had of me, can you deny it?

       S. Ant.

      I think I had, I never did deny it.

       [2. E.] Mer.

      Yes, that you did, sir, and forswore it too.

       S. Ant.

      Who heard me to deny it or forswear it?

       [2. E.] Mer.

      These ears of mine thou know’st did hear thee;

      Fie on thee, wretch, ’tis pity that thou liv’st

      To walk where any honest men resort.

       S. Ant.

      Thou art a villain to impeach me thus:

      I’ll prove mine honor and mine honesty

      Against thee presently, if thou dar’st stand.

       [2. E.] Mer.

      I dare, and do defy thee for a villain.

       They draw.

       Enter Adriana, Luciana, Courtezan, and others.


      Hold, hurt him not for God sake! he is mad.

      Some get within him, take his sword away:

      Bind Dromio too, and bear them to my house.

       S. Dro.

      Run, master, run, for God’s sake take a house!

      This is some priory, in, or we are spoil’d.

       Exeunt [Antipholus of Syracuse and Dromio of Syracuse] to the priory.

       Enter Lady Abbess.


      Be quiet, people. Wherefore throng you hither?

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