The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Knowledge house

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The Complete Works of Shakespeare - Knowledge house

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      Stand not amaz’d; here is no remedy.

      In love, the heavens themselves do guide the state;

      Money buys lands, and wives are sold by fate.

      Fal. I am glad, though you have ta’en a special stand to strike at me, that your arrow hath glanc’d.


      Well, what remedy? Fenton, heaven give thee joy!

      What cannot be eschew’d must be embrac’d.


      When night-dogs run, all sorts of deer are chas’d.

       Mrs. Page.

      Well, I will muse no further. Master Fenton,

      Heaven give you many, many merry days!

      Good husband, let us every one go home,

      And laugh this sport o’er by a country fire—

      Sir John and all.


      Let it be so. Sir John,

      To Master [Brook] you yet shall hold your word,

      For he to-night shall lie with Mistress Ford.



      Act V. Scene V/Robert Smirke/Isaac Taylor Robert Smirke, p. — Isaac Taylor, e.

      Windsor. Act V. Scene V/Robert Smirke/William Sharpe Robert Smirke, p. — William Sharpe, e.

      William Shakespeare

      MUCH ADO


      ( 1598–1599 )

      Quarto, 1600; First Folio, 1623.



      Act I

      Sc. I Sc. II Sc. III

      Act II

      Sc. I Sc. II Sc. III

      Act III

      Sc. I Sc. II Sc. III Sc. IV Sc. V

      Act IV

      Sc. I Sc. II

      Act V

      Sc. I Sc. II Sc. III Sc. IV

      [Dramatis Personae

      Don Pedro, Prince of Arragon

      Don John, his bastard brother

      Claudio, a young lord of Florence

      Benedick, a young lord of Padua

      Leonato, governor of Messina

      Antonio, his brother

      Balthasar, attendant on Don Pedro


      Borachio, followers of Don John

      Friar Francis

      Dogberry, a constable

      Verges, a headborough




      Hero, daughter to Leonato

      Beatrice, niece to Leonato


      Ursula, gentlewomen attending on Hero


      Messengers, Watch, Lord, Attendants, etc.

      Scene: Messina]

      ACT I

      [Scene I]

       Enter Leonato, governor of Messina, Hero his daughter, and Beatrice his niece, with a Messenger.

      Leon. I learn in this letter that Don [Pedro] of Arragon comes this night to Messina.

      Mess. He is very near by this, he was not three leagues off when I left him.

      Leon. How many gentlemen have you lost in this action?

      Mess. But few of any sort, and none of name.

      Leon. A victory is twice itself when the achiever brings home full numbers. I find here that Don [Pedro] hath bestow’d much honor on a young Florentine call’d Claudio.

      Mess. Much deserv’d on his part, and equally rememb’red by Don Pedro. He hath borne himself beyond the promise of his age, doing in the figure of a lamb the feats of a lion. He hath indeed better bett’red expectation than you must expect of me to tell you how.

      Leon. He hath an uncle here in Messina will be very much glad of it.

      Mess. I have already deliver’d

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