Space Physics and Aeronomy, Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications. Группа авторов

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Space Physics and Aeronomy, Ionosphere Dynamics and Applications - Группа авторов

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      Geophysical Monograph Series

      212 The Early Earth: Accretion and Differentiation James Badro and Michael Walter (Eds.)

      213 Global Vegetation Dynamics: Concepts and Applications in the MC1 Model Dominique Bachelet and David Turner (Eds.)

      214 Extreme Events: Observations, Modeling and Economics Mario Chavez, Michael Ghil, and Jaime Urrutia‐Fucugauchi (Eds.)

      215 Auroral Dynamics and Space Weather Yongliang Zhang and Larry Paxton (Eds.)

      216 Low‐Frequency Waves in Space Plasmas Andreas Keiling, Dong‐ Hun Lee, and Valery Nakariakov (Eds.)

      217 Deep Earth: Physics and Chemistry of the Lower Mantle andCore Hidenori Terasaki and Rebecca A. Fischer (Eds.)

      218 Integrated Imaging of the Earth: Theory and Applications Max Moorkamp, Peter G. Lelievre, Niklas Linde, and Amir Khan (Eds.)

      219 Plate Boundaries and Natural Hazards Joao Duarte and Wouter Schellart (Eds.)

      220 Ionospheric Space Weather: Longitude and HemisphericDependences and Lower Atmosphere Forcing Timothy Fuller‐Rowell, Endawoke Yizengaw, Patricia H. Doherty, and Sunanda Basu (Eds.)

      221 Terrestrial Water Cycle and Climate Change Naturaland Human‐Induced Impacts Qiuhong Tang and Taikan Oki (Eds.)

      222 Magnetosphere‐Ionosphere Coupling in the Solar System Charles R. Chappell, Robert W. Schunk, Peter M. Banks, James L. Burch, and Richard M. Thorne (Eds.)

      223 Natural Hazard Uncertainty Assessment: Modeling andDecision Support Karin Riley, Peter Webley, and Matthew Thompson (Eds.)

      224 Hydrodynamics of Time‐Periodic Groundwater Flow:Diffusion Waves in Porous Media Joe S. Depner and Todd C. Rasmussen (Auth.)

      225 Active Global Seismology Ibrahim Cemen and Yucel Yilmaz (Eds.)

      226 Climate Extremes Simon Wang (Ed.)

      227 Fault Zone Dynamic Processes Marion Thomas (Ed.)

      228 Flood Damage Survey and Assessment: New Insights fromResearch and Practice Daniela Molinari, Scira Menoni, and Francesco Ballio (Eds.)

      229 Water‐Energy‐Food

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