The White Peacock. Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс

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The White Peacock - Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс

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has the great George found a girl yet?” asked Lettie.

      “No,” I replied, “he never will at this rate. Nobody will ever be good enough for him.”

      “I’m sure I don’t know what you can find in any of them to take you there so much,” said my mother.

      “Don’t be so mean, Mater,” I answered, nettled. “You know I like them.”

      “I know you like her,” said my mother ​sarcastically. “As for him—he’s an unlicked cub. What can you expect when his mother has spoiled him as she has. But I wonder you are so interested in licking him.” My mother sniffed contemptuously.

      “He is rather good lookingm” said Lettie with a smile.

      “You could make a man of him, I am sure,” I said, bowing satirically to her.

      “I am not interested,” she replied, also satirical.

      Then she tossed her head, and all the fine hairs that were free from bonds made a mist of yellow light in the sun.

      “What frock shall I wear Mater?” she asked.

      “Nay, don’t ask me,” replied her mother.

      “I think I‘ll wear the heliotrope—though this sun will fade it,” she said pensively. She was tall, nearly six feet in height, but slenderly formed. Her hair was yellow, tending towards a dun brown. She had beautiful eyes and brows, but not a nice nose. Her hands were very beautiful.

      “Where are you going?” I asked.

      She did not answer me.

      “To Tempest’s!” I said. She did not reply.

      “Well I don’t know what you can see in him,” I continued.

      “Indeed!” said she. “He’s as good as most folk——” then we both began to laugh.

      “Not,” she continued blushing, “that I think anything about him. I’m merely going for a game of tennis. Are you coming?”

      “What shall you say if I agree?” I asked.

      “Oh!” she tossed her head. “We shall all be very pleased I’m sure.”

      ​“Ooray!” said I with fine irony.

      She laughed at me, blushed, and ran upstairs.

      Half an hour afterwards she popped her head in the study to bid me good-bye, wishing to see if I appreciated her. She was so charming in her fresh linen frock and flowered hat, that I could not but be proud of her. She expected me to follow her to the window, for from between the great purple rhododendrons she waved me a lace mitten, then glinted on like a flower moving brightly through the green hazels. Her path lay through the wood in the opposite direction from Strelley Mill, down the red drive across the tree-scattered space to the highroad. This road ran along the end of our lakelet, Nethermere, for about a quarter of a mile. Nethermere is the lowest in a chain of three ponds. The other two are the upper and lower mill ponds at Strelley: this is the largest and most charming piece of water, a mile long and about a quarter of a mile in width. Our wood runs down to the water’s edge. On the opposite side, on a hill beyond the farthest corner of the lake, stands Highclose. It looks across the water at us in Woodside with one eye as it were, while our cottage casts a side-long glance back again at the proud house, and peeps coyly through the trees.

      I could see Lettie like a distant sail stealing along the water’s edge, her parasol flowing above. She turned through the wicket under the pine clump, climbed the steep field, and was enfolded again in the trees beside Highclose.

      Leslie was sprawled on a camp chair, under a copper beech on the lawn, his cigar glowing. He ​watched the ash grow strange and grey in the warm daylight, and he felt sorry for poor Nell Wycherley, whom he had driven that morning to the station, for would she not be frightfully cut up as the train whirled her further and further away? These girls are so daft with a fellow! But she was a nice little thing—he’d get Marie to write to her.

      At this point he caught sight of a parasol fluttering along the drive, and immediately he fell into a deep sleep, with just a tiny slit in his slumber to allow him to see Lettie approach. She, finding her watchman ungallantly asleep, and his cigar, instead of his lamp untrimmed, broke off a twig of syringa whose ivory buds had not yet burst with luscious scent. I know not how the end of his nose tickled in anticipation before she tickled him in reality, but he kept bravely still until the petals swept him. Then, starting from his sleep, he exclaimed:

      “Lettie! I was dreaming of kisses!”

      “On the bridge of your nose?” laughed she—“But whose were the kisses?”

      “Who produced the sensation?” he smiled.

      “Since I only tapped your nose you should dream of——”

      “Go on!” said he, expectantly.

      “Of Doctor Slop,” she replied, smiling to herself as she closed her parasol.

      “I do not know the gentleman,” he said, afraid that she was laughing at him.

      “No—your nose is quite classic,” she answered, giving him one of those brief intimate glances with which women flatter men so cleverly. He radiated with pleasure.

      Dangling the Apple

       Table of Contents



       Table of Contents


      The long-drawn booming of the wind in the wood and the sobbing and moaning in the maples and oaks near the house, had made Lettie restless. She did not want to go anywhere, she did not want to do anything, so she insisted on my just going out with her as far as the edge of the water. We crossed the tangle of fern and bracken, bramble and wild raspberry canes that spread in the open space before the house, and we went down the grassy slope to the edge of Nethermere. The wind whipped up noisy little wavelets, and the cluck and clatter of these among the pebbles, the swish of the rushes and the freshening of the breeze against our faces, roused us.

      The tall meadow-sweet was in bud along the tiny beach and we walked knee-deep among it, watching the foamy race of the ripples and the whitening of the willows on the far shore. At the place where Nethermere narrows to the upper end, and receives the brook from Strelley, the wood sweeps down and stands with its feet washed round with waters. We broke our way along the shore, crushing the sharp-scented wild mint, whose odour checks the breath, and examining here and there among the marshy places ragged nests of water-fowl, now deserted. Some slim young lap-wings started at our approach, ​and sped lightly from us, their necks outstretched in straining fear of that which could not

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