The Crimes of Alexander Borgia. Anonymous

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The Crimes of Alexander Borgia - Anonymous

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      The Crimes of Alexander Borgia

      Published by Good Press, 2021

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066453466


       BOOK FIRST.


       BOOK THIRD.


       BOOK FIFTH.

       Table of Contents

      I WISH every reader of this book to know my purpose in writing it. My object must not be misunderstood. I regard the church of Rome as a thousand-headed hydra, each head nurtured to its present fulness by a thousand crimes ! I look upon it as a festering hell on earth, beneath whose seeming piety and sanctimoniousness are enacted scenes of blood and cruelty more revolting than any ever witnessed in the ORIGINAL Pandemonium ! I regard it as a hideous reptile, that has attained its present massive proportions through the sufferance of those who should have crushed it in the germ, and only waits for an auspicious hour to unmask in all its deformity, yet with a vigor and power that shall shake worlds from their foundations ! I look upon it as a terrible guillotine, whose blade is every moment growing wider and wider, sharper and sharper, and is now only suspended in silence and darkness, that it may grow large enough to destroy Liberty and Protestantism at one blow!

      And such a damnable compound of all that is hellish, atrocious, gigantic, and terribly significant of a bloody future^ is the CHURCH OF ROME !

      The time has come when all Americans who love their coun- try must awaken to the nature of the serpents they are nour- ishing in their bosoms, or see the heritage secured by the blood of their forefathers pass out of their hands forever ! As time rolls on, the tide of Papal aggression sets higher and higher, and wounded Liberty flies shrieking back to the borders !

      Standing thus upon the shores of the present, and looking back to what have been the achievements of Jesuitical cunning and power, the mind cannot grasp at anything that seems too bold and hazardous for the emissaries of the church of Rome to accomplish. Emerging from the gloom and desolation of the dark ages, that period when a mental night seemed about to enclose all mankind as in one living grave, the principles of Catholicism have gone on spreading and increasing for centuries, though always directly antagonistical to civilization, enlightenment, the elevation of the masses, and civil and political liberty. These principles find their vitality in the cunning and steady perseverance of an overwhelming priesthood, whose every action is governed by a desire to swell the resources of " the church," and make all means subservient to this single end. They have planted their banner upon nearly every portion of the globe, always establishing it in blood, and sustaining it in tyranny and oppression, and wherever their sway predominates, there will the people be found existing under a curse like that of Cain ! Spain, Mexico, the greater portion of South America, and even Rome itself, are all living examples of the deadly evils that are born of Papal supremacy. Ignorance, superstition, and inertness, are the leading characteristics of a people ruled by the priesthood ; and hence their value to themselves and their God is lost in the bonds of servility that strip them of their manhood, and make them but automatons that are entirely subject to their master minds the Jesuits !

      But by such means the exercise of the assuming knowl- edge of the few over the submissive ignorance of the many has the church of Rome built up a mine that any instant threatens to destroy all things antagonistic to itsjlf. It has attained an influence as mighty and universal as it will one day be deadly, should circumstances ever warrant it safety and success in throwing off the mask of secretness and inertness which has rested upon its blood-begrimmed features so long.

      It has woven a net around the world that is gradually securing all things, little and great, in its meshes, and slowly drawing them into the dominion and beneath the authority of the "Mother Church." It has caused millions and millions of beings, of all ages and sexes, in all parts of the world, to have one soul, one mind, one will, and that one subject to the wishes of the Pope, as expressed through his bishops and priests. It has originated and established the most elaborate and extensive consolidation of mind to one object that ever was or can be originated and established, unless upon the foundation of AMERICANISM IN AMERICA ; and the result is, that the Roman Catholic church is the most tremendous engine of social and political power that has been brought into existence since the world began an engine of the greatest magnitude and of the most complex order, yet one whose every portion is so carefully and systematically managed that centuries may pass away before a single vibration can come unlocked for.

      And yet Americans will sleep on, as if they knew not that their rights and liberties, and privileges AS Americans, are being daily and hourly encroached upon at a rate that threat- ens to soon strip them of all !

      Since the commencement of the present century, an almost total change has been wrought in the political condition of the world, which is mostly attributable to the spread of Catholicism over new grounds, and the strengthening of it in the old. The greater portion of this vast change has been wrought in the United States, during the last twenty-five years. The good old principles of republicanism and Protestantism that animated the heroes of the revolution have been gradually crushed out, and their places usurped by those of a decidedly opposite nature ; until no political movement can be made without its being more or less influenced towards an evil end by the adherents of the Romish church, who have, as before observed, in substance, gained a sure footing and an enormous influence in the United States, through the sufferance of Americans ! Not a day nor an hour passes in which some example of the power and despotism of the Jesuitical leaders in America is not hurled in the face of the descendants of the cotemporaries and fellowpatriots of the immortal Washington ! Not a day passes without beholding the shackles that now fetter American lib- erty closer drawn around it, and bidding fair to soon become riveted in a manner that will effectually prevent all attempts to throw them off! Not a day passes that some new insult and indignity is not offered to the noble few who dare to come out and say, " WE ARE AMERICANS !" Not a day passes that does not behold hundreds of emigrants, sunken in the lowest depths of poverty, jgnorance and superstition, landing on our shores from the Old World, knowing but one will, and seeking the advancement of but one purpose, and that combined will and purpose that of the disciples of Ignatius Loyola and Alexander Borgia ! Not a day passes that is not marked by the Papal powers in America with some new step towards the general establishment of Papal rule in the United States, and the complete demolition of patriotism, Protestantism and liberty ! Not a day passes that is not polluted with plots and daring schemes against the very existence of the Union ; not an hour in which some new additions are not given to the resources of the Catholic church !


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