Embroidery and Fancy Work. Anonymous

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Embroidery and Fancy Work - Anonymous

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to the tea table, and is also useful when the tea tray is brought into the parlor. They may be made like scarfs, worked only at the ends, or designs can be worked in the corners or the centre. Drawn work is often used in these cloths. Appropriate designs are cups and saucers, tea-pots, etc. Decorative patterns should be sketched on the cups, etc. Floral and geometrical designs are also used. Those who do not venture on designing, may find damask tea-cloths and doileys with pretty woven borders. By outlining the pattern in silk, a handsome set may easily be furnished.

      A case for a night dress may be made of gray or creamy linen. Divide the lower half of the front into two panels by a row of ornamental stitches. In the left-hand division draw a figure in night clothes, candle in hand, and yawning. In the second a reclining form, ​with pillowed head, and closed eyes, with insects, beetles, moths, etc., whirling in the air. On the flap, outline in Roman letters, or in simple round text, "To sleep, perchance to dream." Finish with a bow of ribbon. Or the case, which is made in the shape of a large envelope, might be powdered with poppies and their leaves.

      A bed-spread may be made of the same material (the cream color being preferable), decorated with an outline design of poppies powdered over the material, flowers, seed vessels and foliage all being used and connected together by conventional or flowing stem work. Indian red is a good color in which to work this. The Egyptian water lily or lotos is also emblematical of sleep, and may be used in the same way. Dull blues would be appropriate for this design. Pillow shams should be made to match. Should this seem too great an undertaking, the decoration of the spread could be limited to a diagonal band of proper width, defined by rows of chain or outline stitch, the space within the band being powdered as described, or the flowers and foliage could be formed into a continuous design, more or less conventional.

      Here is an idea for another counterpane, say for a crib. Divide the linen into squares with some pretty fancy stitch, working in the centre of each square a flower, or one of the many appropriate pictures to be found in the Kate Greenaway books or in Walter Crane's "Baby Opera." You need not reproduce every line; only those that are necessary to tell the story completely.

      A screen is often a useful piece of furniture. Here is a description of a simple one, suitable for a bedroom or nursery. The frame should be a firm one, and can be made by any carpenter of pine wood. It can be either ebonized by staining it with a solution of logwood, and afterwards applying vinegar in which iron has been ​

Embroidery and Fancy Work p024.jpg Fig. 3.

      lying for some time, and rubbed to a dull surface after it has been treated to a coat of varnish; or it can be painted black and decorated with a few dashes of gold paint in a vague Japanese style. For the screen itself, use unbleached muslin. Having measured it to fit the screen, put on a dado of dark blue cambric, proportioning it duly to the height. On the upper part, sketch a Japanese group, such as you can find on many of the advertising cards and fans. Or, if this seems beyond you, powder the blue muslin sparingly with outline plum blossoms (you will find a suggestion in Fig. 3), and run a branch up beyond the dado in the manner of the illustration alluded to.

      Fig. 4 is a screen in which the work is of rather a novel character, being a combination of painting and embroidery, and is much more quickly worked than one would think. Sketch the design, enlarged to suit your screen, on the material, which in the original is olive satin, making the outline delicate. Have your work stretched firmly in an embroidery frame, which may be made on the same principle as an old-fashioned quilting frame. Figs 4a and 4b give enlarged details which will enable the worker to clearly understand the directions. Gold, silver, copper, and black paints are used, mixing them when they need diluting with gum water. Paint the ​stones, grasses, leaves, flowers, and the stalks of the cactus in gold, shading lightly with black or copper color. Make the thorns of fine strokes of copper color, and then worked with a loose lying stitch of moss green filoselle or floss. Gold thread can also be used with effect. Where there are well-defined leaves as in Fig. 3,

Embroidery and Fancy Work p025.jpg

      Fig. 44.

      they are painted in silver and veined with stitches of green. The flowers are worked with two shades of dark red in a close satin stitch, the calices being in white or yellow. The bird's beak is painted in gold, as also are the upper part of the wings, the lower feathers being painted in silver and bronze, divided by stitches of white ​silk. The breast is covered with button-hole stitches in claret red silk, so worked as to catch into each other, imitating the plumage. The upper part of the wing is also worked to show the markings of the feathers. The long tail feathers are worked in gold thread.

      A cover for a parlor organ can be made of linen, with the design either worked on a band of blue denim, which is afterwards feather-stitched on to the cover, or else worked on the material itself. Bars of music with lines

Embroidery and Fancy Work p026.jpg

      Fig. 4a.

      and notes in gold silk, and the words "Hal-le-lu-jah! hal-le-lu-jah! A-men!" worked in the same silk would form an appropriate border; or one composed of musical instruments, such as lyres, reeds, trumpets, and cymbals, intermingled with scrolls, might be used. Symbolic flowers, such as the palm, lily, or passion flower, would also be appropriate. Finish with a deep hem-stitched hem, with a line of open work above, or with a knotted ​fringe in which blue and gold silk are mixed with the linen threads. Line with deep blue silesia.

      Chain-stitch is not much used at present; but for some purposes it is very convenient. It is made by taking a

Embroidery and Fancy Work p027a.jpg

      Fig. 4b.

      stitch from right to left, and before the needle is drawn the thread is carried under the point of the needle from left to right. The next stitch is taken from the point of the loop thus formed forward, and the thread again kept under the needle, each link thus forming a link in the chain.

      Twisted chain stitch (Fig. 5) is useful for outline work

Embroidery and Fancy Work p027b.png

      Fig. 5.

      on coarse materials such as felt, and other heavy woolen ​goods. Instead of beginning the second stitch inside the point of the first, both threads of the first are pushed a little aside, and the needle is inserted about halfway up the first stitch, thus securing a rope-like effect. It should be worked with double crewel or tapestry wool. It is also very effective worked on gold-faced felt, in double silk, and both chain stitch and twisted chain are useful for edging appliquéd patterns.


      In combination with outline stitch, the darned work so popular in Queen Anne's time has been revived, and is remarkably effective. The stitch is, as its name implies, the one used in darning cloth or stockings, only that it is made purposely irregular, being quite long on the right side and very short on the wrong side. It is used not only for backgrounds but also for filling in boldly outlined designs. Says a writer in the Art Interchange:

      "Judiciously used, it is capable of producing almost iridescent effects, and adding greatly to the richness of the embroidered work. Done in heavy filoselles — and linen takes these admirably — in two shades of one color, in two colors, or else in a shade lighter or darker than the fabric, it will produce several

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