Метеорологические и геофизические исследования. Г. В. Алексеев
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The data on water mass, sea ice and atmosphere collected during the IPY 2007–08 period and a combination of these new data with the data collected earlier made it possible to follow the development of the climatic phenomenon of the end 1990s – beginning 2000s in the sea Arctic, to deduce its relationship with the global climate change and to compare it with the warming of 1930–40s. In the present paper the features of the climate system during the first decade of XXI century and during the IPY 2007–08 are compared with state of the atmosphere, sea ice and ocean in the Arctic during the previous periods. Changes in the atmospheric, sea ice and ocean parameters are considered. Comparison with changes in other fields and with estimates of the global climate models from the CMIP3 assembly is made.
А.И. Данилов, В.Е. Лагун, А.В. Клепиков
Современные изменения климата Антарктики
(Арктический и антарктический научно-исследовательский институт, Санкт-Петербург, Россия)
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