Wind Energy Handbook. Michael Barton Graham
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24 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Typical surface roughness lengths.
2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Summary of Ronsten's measurements of lift coefficient and lift coef...Table 3.2 Blade design of a 17 m diameter rotor.Table 3.3 Summary of the NREL aerofoils and their applications.Table 3.4 The principal characteristics of the Risø‐A series.Table 3.5 The principal characteristics of the Risø‐P series.Table 3.6 The principal characteristics of the Risø‐B series.Table 3.7 The principal characteristics of the Delft University series.
3 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Wind speed parameters for wind turbine classes.Table 5.2 Partial safety factors for loads, IEC 61400‐1 edition 4.Table 5.3 Partial safety factors for the consequences of failure, IEC 61400‐1...Table 5.4 Extreme values of random component for different exposure times.Table 5.5 Values of first mode structural damping logarithmic decrements for ...Table 5.6 SC40 blade damping ratios for first two flapwise modes.Table 5.7 Comparison between nacelle moments due to deterministic loads for t...Table 5.8 ExampleM X and M Y fatigue spectra.Table 5.9 JointM X and M Y cycle distribution.Table 5.10 Table of mean values of the reduced variate, yν = −ln[−ln(F(xTable 5.11 Table of confidence bounds on the number of simulations in which t...
4 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Component costs expressed as a percentage of total machine cost for...Table 6.2 Component costs and percentages for NREL 1.5 MW 70 m diameter basel...Table 6.3 Percentage contribution of different components to machine cost for...Table 6.4 Variation of optimum rated wind speed with annual mean for 70 m dia...Table 6.5 Contribution of different components to the cost of a two bladed ma...Table 6.6 Comparison of two bladed design variants on a 70 m diameter, 1.5 MW...Table 6.7 Comparison of loads on shaft and nacelle for three bladed and rigid...Table 6.8 Main parameters of a 3 MW, 15 rpm radial flux generator designTable 6.9 Superconducting materials suitable for wind turbine generatorsTable 6.10 Cost comparison between a 126 m diameter turbine and an array of 1...Table 6.11 Cost comparison between a 126 m diameter turbine and an array of 1...
5 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Structural properties of materials for wind turbine bladesTable 7.2 Compositions and properties of E‐glass, R‐glass, and H‐glassTable 7.3 Typical matrix propertiesTable 7.4 Comparison of 106 cycle maximum tensile strains in laminates with h...Table 7.5 Comparison of 106 cycle maximum tensile strains in laminates with e...Table 7.6 Comparison of 106 cycle maximum tensile strains in aligned strand a...Table 7.7 Properties of two PAN carbon fibres used in composites for wind tur...Table 7.8 Comparison between GFRP UD laminate mechanical properties and CFRP ...Table 7.9 Properties of unjointed wood/epoxy laminatesTable 7.10 Partial material factors for composite bladesTable 7.11 Design strength to stiffness ratios for different wind turbine bla...Table 7.12 Illustrative increases in design torques for gear tooth bending du...Table 7.13 Illustrative example of calculation of brake disc temperature rise...Table 7.14 Recommended dimple tolerance and corresponding value of the fabric...
6 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Typical breakdown of cost of an onshore wind farm (IRENA 2012).Table 10.2 Typical separation distances for medium sized wind turbines.Table 10.3 Agreements for the development of a wind farm using project financ...Table 10.4 Examples of sound pressure levels.Table 10.5 Centre frequency of octave bands and A‐weighting.Table 10.6 Sound power levels of mechanical noise of a 2 MW experimental wind...Table 10.7 Octave band sound power levels of a large wind turbine (Bowdler an...Table 10.8 Air absorption coefficient in octave bands (Danish Statutory Order...Table 10.9 Noise limits for sound pressure levelsL Aeq in different European c...Table 10.10 Example of radar cross‐section of a wind turbine and wind farm.Table 10.11 Recommended ranges for assessment of primary surveillance radar.Table 10.12 Bird strikes at wind farms in the UK.
7 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Voltage levels of the power system.Table 11.2 Effects of various aspects of lighting on a wind turbine.Table 11.3 Wind turbine lightning damage frequency.Table 11.4 Measured earth impedance at substations of two wind farms.Table 11.5 Indication of possible connection of wind farms to distribution ne...Table 11.6 Ratio of site capacity to connection short‐circuit level for two l...Table 11.7 Examples of de‐rating factors used in GB.
8 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Indicative costs of a 1 GW offshore wind farm (BVG Associates 2019...Table 12.2 Future projections of capacity factor and LCOE from wind farms.Table 12.3 Ultimate load cases during operation.Table 12.4 Ultimate non‐operational load cases.Table 12.5 Fatigue load cases.Table 12.6 Surface roughnesses (from DNVGL‐RP‐C205 2017).Table 12.7 Support structure corrosion protection measures by zone.Table 12.8 Approximate weights of jacket structure, secondary elements, and p...Table 12.9 Turbine parameter values used to derive weight scaling factors at ...Table 12.10 Comparison of tripod and jacket structure weights at Alpha Ventus...Table 12.11 Selected dynamic analysis codes for floating offshore wind turbin...Table 12.12 Indicative mooring system loads for a 15 m diameter spar buoy wit...Table 12.13 Hywind Scotland spar buoy and wind turbine leading dimensions and...Table 12.14 Natural periods of Hywind spar buoy floating wind turbine (Hywind...Table 12.15 WindFloat Atlantic semi‐submersible and wind turbine leading dime...Table 12.16 Floatgen platform and wind turbine leading dimensions (Choisnet e...
List of Illustrations
1 f10Figure C2 Fixed coordinate system for hub loads and deflections, and positio...
2 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Wind power capacity worldwide (World Wind Energy Association 2020...Figure 1.2 Wind power capacity by country (US Energy Information Administrat...Figure 1.3 Installed onshore wind power capacity in countries with more than...Figure 1.4 Onshore wind turbines