Theater Plays. Valentin Krasnogorov
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DIRECTOR: And which man valued it?
WOMAN: First one, then another… and so on. Higher and higher and higher.
DIRECTOR: In any event, she’s no fool.
WOMAN: That, unfortunately, can’t be taken away from her.
DIRECTOR: And she dresses very elegantly.
WOMAN: And undresses even more elegantly.
DIRECTOR: You’re just jealous of her.
WOMAN: I won’t argue that.
DIRECTOR: What’s her official position, anyway?
WOMAN: Who knows?.. Speechwriter, consultant, staffer, aide, adviser… In other words, someone who’s very close to a very important person. You’re with me, right? Very close. And very important.
DIRECTOR: And more specifically?
WOMAN: You want to know the distance in inches? (sadly) It used to be me… and… and now it’s her… (gives an expressive shrug) Do you understand?
DIRECTOR: I do. And you didn’t try to pry her loose?
WOMAN: (looks around in fright; speaks in a low tone) “Pry her loose” – easy for you to say! Do you think we didn’t give it our best shot? But there are powerful people behind her… And besides, she’s got dirt on all of us.
DIRECTOR: On you too?
WOMAN: Who’s without sin?
DIRECTOR: And what’s your sin?
WOMAN: A lot of nothing… I mean, really – a little beach house…
DIRECTOR: Where’s the beach?
WOMAN: In Costa Rica.
DIRECTOR: And you’re trembling before her all because of a little house? How small is the house? How many square feet?
WOMAN: I don’t remember exactly. Forty-eight or forty-nine rooms. And there’s a teensy-weensy garden around that cottage… Seven acres or so. Maybe ten.
DIRECTOR: I understand. For a banana plantation. You are the Minister of Agriculture, after all.
WOMAN: I bought it even earlier, when I was in Culture.
DIRECTOR: You said that Culture is the most poverty-stricken of all the ministries
WOMAN: That’s true, but it could still stretch to a teensy-weensy garden.
DIRECTOR: Tell me, why do you need a mansion like that – out in the back of beyond, no less? Your life here is pretty good, no?
WOMAN: You don’t understand anything. We all have the feeling that everything’s going to collapse tomorrow, and we’ll have to make ourselves scarce. So you have to dig yourself a snug little den as far away from here as you can.
DIRECTOR: Why don’t you try to fight back with dirt on her?
WOMAN: (looking scared) We’d better rehearse. I’ve already said too much. Shall we call the prime minister?
DIRECTOR: What do you need him for?
WOMAN: We have to rehearse him ravishing me. You said so yourself.
DIRECTOR: The ravishing’s off.
WOMAN: Pity. I was nearly ready for it.
DIRECTOR: If you feel bad about that, I can ravish you after the rehearsal. Just remind me, please. I have a slew of things to do, so I might forget. In the meantime, give me your speech.
WOMAN: The speech again! Aren’t you sick of it?
DIRECTOR: It’s my job.
WOMAN: Well, I’m sick to death of it. We’re trying so hard, torturing ourselves, but why we’re being forced to go through with this travesty, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe the funeral won’t happen at all.
DIRECTOR: (alarmed) What are you saying, “won’t happen”? What makes you think that?
WOMAN: Who’s going to be buried? The deceased hasn’t died yet, you know.
DIRECTOR: What does “hasn’t died” mean?
WOMAN: It means what it means. Didn’t she tell you? (sees how shocked DIRECTOR is, hesitates) Oh dear – seems I’ve spilled the beans again. All because of that damned party…
DIRECTOR: Hold it, hold it. What were you getting at when you said “the deceased hasn’t died”?
WOMAN: Nothing. We’d better rehearse. (pulling out all the stops) Dear friend!
DIRECTOR: To hell with your dear friend! Who’s not dead?
WOMAN: I don’t know anything. (seeing MAN entering) Look, you’d better ask him.
DIRECTOR: (launches himself at MAN) Tell me: is it true that he’s not dead?
MAN: Who?
DIRECTOR: Who, who?.. The deceased!
MAN: (looks at WOMAN with hate in his eyes) You’ve already blabbed, haven’t you? I’ve always said that you shouldn’t be included, but they wanted a woman. Well, they’ve brought it on themselves.
WOMAN: (guilty) I thought he knew.
MAN: You’re forever speaking before you think. It’s about time you stopped being so… spontaneous.
DIRECTOR: Hold on… I’m not understanding anything. He really isn’t dead?
MAN: Well… On the one hand… Although, on the other… In short, it’s difficult to say…
DIRECTOR: Stop blowing smoke! Tell me in words of one syllable – is he dead or not?
MAN: Back off! He’s not dead.
DIRECTOR: How come?
MAN: This is how. He’s not dead, and that’s that. He’s more alive than any living soul. He’s speaking on TV right now.
DIRECTOR: But what about my show? It’s being called off? So I set up the scenario, mobilized people, equipment, materials, drew up a list of two hundred and forty journalists – and there’ll be nothing to write about?
MAN: It’ll all work out somehow.
DIRECTOR: (pierced by an even more terrible thought) But what about my fee?
MAN: I don’t know. Let’s rehearse.
DIRECTOR: Why, if the show’s being called off?
MAN: She told us to continue regardless.
DIRECTOR: (decisively) Before continuing, I’d like to know when you’re going to