Games | Game Design | Game Studies. Gundolf S. Freyermuth

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Games | Game Design | Game Studies - Gundolf S. Freyermuth

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by the game design veteran Chris Roberts (WING COMMANDER, 1990) has managed, through a combination of traditional Kickstarter campaign and a self-run crowdfunding website, to accumulate over 85 million dollars between 2012 and 2015.38

      Just as with the older audiovisual media of theater, film, and television, the economic potentials of digital games are based on the requirement that products achieve a certain technical and artistic quality. A decisive structural condition has emerged only over the last decade with the increase of technical options: small groups and even individuals now possess means of production that two decades ago were the exclusive privilege of large companies and corporate groups and, thereby, also only of highly specialized experts. Admittedly, with access to these new technical means comes the challenge to use them artistically in a way that is appropriate and creative. Four developments influenced game design over the last decade:

       A latent stagnation and aesthetic crisis of AAA titles developed through a high degree of division of labor;

       The rise of a so-called indie scene, whose ‘small’ games are anchored outside of the commercial mainstream and tend towards artistic experimentation and breaking out of traditional schemas;

       A proliferating differentiation into evermore specific subgenres combined with a strong increase in the number of titles being produced;

       The introduction of practices and mechanisms of game development into other production and service areas.39

      In II Game Design I will first analyze the double origins of game design: on the one hand from practices of analog design, especially its principles of prototyping and iteration that have arisen since the beginning of Industrialization in the context of producing hardware artifacts (II-1 Analog Design); on the other hand from practices of digital design that developed since the mid-20th century in the context of software production and visual design (II-2 Digital Design). Due to these dual origins during the last half-century in the design of digital games, the development of highly different procedures took place: The non-commercial beginnings in the academic hacker culture of the 1960s and 1970s gave way to the professionalization of the game industry, following in the footsteps of the industrial, highly collaborative role model of film production and especially that of Hollywood. Since the turn of the century an indie scene is also thriving that in its methods of working orients itself more closely toward the rather artistic role models of indie music and indie film (II-3 A Short History of Game Design). Next, I analyze the role of the Game Designer and the most important fields in the production of digital games (II-4 Areas of Game Design) as well as the standard procedures and processes in game production, including the basic principle of world building. In a special contribution, Nathalie Pozzi and Eric Zimmerman then provide a primer for the all-important method of playtesting (II-5 Practices of Game Design). Evidently game design is becoming a central discipline of creative pro­duction in digital culture. Its role model effect is changing the design of soft- and hardware, processes and experiences.


      In contradistinction to the central and still growing importance of games as well as game design in digital culture, Game Studies continue to play only a minor role both in public perception and in academia. Groundbreaking monographs, which understood and interpreted games as a new medium and a new form of expression, were first published in the last decade of the 20th century, roughly 40 years after the development of early forms of digital games in research labs. The institutional establishment of Game Studies as an academic field only began in the early 21st century and parallel to the establishment of the first artistic-techni­cal degree paths for game design. Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian universities were pioneers of this process. In the German speaking world such an establishment is still pending:

      The formation of new disciplines is nothing special per se. Since the sciences and humanities followed the example of the industrial division of labor and became specialized, ‘Taylorized,’ perpetual processes of differentiation have led to literally hundreds of new disciplines and fields of study. Only very rarely, however, was it possible to found a new discipline whose subject was a culturally defining medium, i.e., a medium which influences and changes the thinking of a majority of people—their view of the world, their understanding of life, and even of their own identity.

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