The Two Gentlemen of Verona: The 30-Minute Shakespeare. William Shakespeare

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The Two Gentlemen of Verona: The 30-Minute Shakespeare - William Shakespeare The 30-Minute Shakespeare

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      That you are welcome?


      That you are worthless.

      VALENTINE coughs.


      I’ll leave you to confer of home affairs;

      When you have done, I look to hear from you.


      We’ll both attend upon your ladyship.

      Exit SILVIA stage right.

      VALENTINE walks to Proteus’s chair.


      Now, tell me, Proteus,

      How does your lady? And how thrives your love?


      My tales of love were wont to weary you;

      I know you joy not in a love-discourse.


      Ay, Proteus, but that life is alter’d now.

       (walks downstage center)

      For, in revenge of my contempt of love,

      Love hath chased sleep from my enthralled eyes,

      And made them watchers of mine own heart’s sorrow.

      O gentle Proteus, Love’s a mighty lord,

      And hath so humbled me, as, I confess,

      Now can I break my fast, dine, sup, and sleep,

      Upon the very naked name of love.

      PROTEUS (walks to VALENTINE)

      Enough; I read your fortune in your eye.

      Was this the idol that you worship so?

      (gestures to where SILVIA exited)


      Even she; and is she not a heavenly saint?


      No; but she is an earthly paragon.


      Call her divine.


      I will not flatter her.


      Then speak the truth by her: if not divine,

      Yet let her be a principality,

      Sovereign to all the creatures on the earth.


      Except my mistress.

      Why, Valentine, what braggardism is this?


      Pardon me, Proteus: all I can is nothing

      To her, whose worth makes other worthies nothing;

      She is alone.


      Then let her alone.


      Not for the world: why, man, she is mine own;

      And I as rich in having such a jewel

      As twenty seas, if all their sand were pearl,

      The water nectar, and the rocks pure gold.


      But she loves you?


      Ay, and we are betroth’d: nay, more, our marriage-hour,

      With all the cunning manner of our flight,

      Determined of; how I must climb her window,

      The ladder made of cords; and all the means

      Plotted and ’greed on for my happiness.

      Good Proteus, go with me to my chamber,

      In these affairs to aid me with thy counsel.


      Go on before; I shall inquire you forth:

      And then I’ll presently attend you.


      Will you make haste?


      I will.

      Exit VALENTINE stage right.

      (to audience) Even as one heat another heat expels,

      Or as one nail by strength drives out another,

      So the remembrance of my former love

      Is by a newer object quite forgotten.

      Is it mine eye, or Valentine’s praise,

      Her true perfection, or my false transgression,

      That makes me, reasonless, to reason thus?

      She’s fair; and so is Julia, that I love,—

      That I did love, for now my love is thaw’d;

      Which, like a waxen image ’gainst a fire,

      Bears no impression of the thing it was.


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