The Book of Travels. Hannā Diyāb

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The Book of Travels - Hannā Diyāb Library of Arabic Literature

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      Previous Edition

      Min Ḥalab ilā Bārīs. Riḥlah ilā Balāṭ Luwīs al-Rābiʿ ʿashar. Edited by Muḥammad Muṣṭafā al-Jārūsh and Ṣafāʾ Abū Shahlā Jubrān (Beirut: Manshūrāt al-Jamal, 2017).

      This edition, the readings and annotations of which rely heavily on the published French translation (see below), follows a diplomatic standard—that is, it reproduces the original handwritten text as closely as possible. It does, however, normalize some spellings such as the tāʾ marbūṭah and omits some of the hyper-corrective hamzahs. There are some typographical errors and omissions: misreading tajrīd for tajribeh, for example, and sometimes leaving out the colloquial bi- prefix of imperfect verb forms. Some terms, rarely attested in dictionaries, are not annotated.

      Previous Translations

      French translation: Hanna Dyâb, D’Alep à Paris. Les pérégrinations d’un jeune syrien au temps de Louis XIV. Récit traduit de l’arabe (Syrie) et annoté par Paule Fahmé-Thiéry, Bernard Heyberger et Jérôme Lentin (Paris: Actes Sud, 2015).

      This meticulous rendering, on the basis of Lentin’s linguistic study of the text, is the result of collaboration by three expert scholars. The extensive apparatus contains linguistic explanations and historical remarks on the early-modern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Christianities as well as original biographical material on individuals mentioned in the text. Both the introduction and the note on the language are detailed but accessible. The translation is often literal, but captures the liveliness of the original. We record in the English endnotes those places where our translation adopts a different interpretation of the original.

      German translation: Hannā Diyāb, Von Aleppo nach Paris: Die Reise eines jungen Syrers bis an den Hof Ludwigs XIV. Translated by Gennaro Ghirardelli (Berlin: Die andere Bibliothek, 2016).

      This is based on the French translation, the introductions of which it reproduces. It emends the French rendering in a few places. The wording of the translation is occasionally archaic.

      English translation: Hannâ Diyâb, The Man Who Wrote Aladdin. Translated by Paul Lunde (Edinburgh: Harding Simpole, 2020).

      This Edition

      Our paragraphing largely follows the structure suggested by the manuscript text, though we have added some additional breaks for the sake of readability, notably where there is a change of speaker (for example, from the general first-person narrator to the speech of a character in the text, creating an embedded narrative), and when a transitional word such as اخيرًا or حيندٍ, or the frequently used formula فنرجع الى ما كنا في سدده indicates a break in the narration.

      The footnotes to the Arabic record marginal additions as well as a few significant passages crossed out in the manuscript or added to the borders of the page. They also note cases where we have amended rare scribal peculiarities, such as the omission or addition of consonants.

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