Gone With The Wind. Группа авторов

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Gone With The Wind - Группа авторов

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      The Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y. is officially dedicated. The plaque gallery is pictured below.


       JULY 6:

      The last remaining Jewish-owned businesses in Germany are closed by the Nazis.



       AUG. 2:

      Albert Einstein signs a letter written by Hungarian physicist Leó Szilárd to President Franklin D. Roosevelt explaining that uranium may be used to create a nuclear bomb. Roosevelt immediately establishes a committee to investigate, paving the way for the Manhattan Project.


       AUG. 15:

      The Wizard of Oz premieres. Opening to almost as much fanfare as Gone With the Wind, MGM’s The Wizard of Oz cost a staggering (at the time) $2.7 million.


       AUG. 19:

      Adolf Hitler orders preparations for the invasion of Poland to begin in earnest.


       AUG. 23:

      Germany and the Soviet Union sign a non-aggression pact, agreeing to divide Eastern Europe between the two powers. Both nations invade Poland in September with the intent of splitting the country along the lines that they agreed to in this treaty.


       SEPT. 1:

      The first shots of World War II are fired when the German warship Schleswig-Holstein opens fire on the Polish fort Westerplatte.


       OCT. 17:

      Mr. Smith Goes to Washington premieres. The Jimmy Stewart classic is another highlight in what many consider Hollywood’s finest year. Other noteworthy films from 1939 include Babes in Arms; Goodbye, Mr. Chips; Gunga Din; Ninotchka and Stagecoach.



       NOV. 15:

      President Roosevelt lays the cornerstone of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C.


       NOV. 16:

      Al Capone is released from Alcatraz due to his poor health, the result of syphilis. Ravaged mentally and physically by the disease, he dies in his Florida mansion in 1947.



       DEC. 15:

      Gone With the Wind premieres.

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