Multi-Processor System-on-Chip 2. Liliana Andrade

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Multi-Processor System-on-Chip 2 - Liliana Andrade

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chapter closely followed an SW implementation of the GFDM algorithm on the SotA vDSP and noted considerations taken into account with regard to handset workloads expected in modern and future mobile communications. We give analyses and conclusions on four layers: specification requirements, translating theory to pseudo-code, precision analysis and requirements and implementation space exploration.

      We can see that giving a recommendation or direct HW requirements for SotA specifications is a multi-layered challenge that is difficult to overcome. For the overall system, other kernels can be analyzed in the same manner; however, the overarching theme is the need for variability and flexibility at each step of the analysis. Heterogeneous HW MPSoCs consisting of RISCs, vDSPs, ASIPs and dedicated (application-specific) HW accelerators can provide both flexibility and highly optimized solutions in the power consumption/chip area/chip cost sense, provided that enough care and effort has been invested into the investigation of the above-mentioned layers.

      The authors would like to thank Dr. Yankin Tanurhan and the Synopsys team for their guidance, support, sponsorship and initiation of the Industry–University cooperation within the “Efficient Implementation of 5G Baseband Kernels on a Vector Processor” project.

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