Multi-Processor System-on-Chip 2. Liliana Andrade

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Multi-Processor System-on-Chip 2 - Liliana Andrade

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6G applications span vastly different data rates (10 kb/s – 1 Tb/s, i.e. 108 × span) and latency requirements (2 ms – 2 s i.e. 103 × span).

      High variability is built into modern standards through their many modes of operation. One aspect by which these modes may differ are workloads. Let us analyze the workloads by looking at the most advanced 5G standard. Processing deadline variability

      1 1) TTI duration is scaled with 2μ, where μ is a parameter4;

      2 2) TTI duration is not a function of bandwidth (BW) allocated for that TTI;

      3 3) for a fixed BW and the same number of OFDM symbols per TTI (i.e. the same amount of data), the duration of the TTI differs (i.e. the deadline to process that data differs);

      4 4) there is a 16× difference in processing deadlines between the corner cases.

      Depending on the mode of operation, the computational engine may need to process the same amount of data with deadlines shifting 16× during operation.

      Figure 1.2. Comparing 14 OFDM symbols’ TTI duration of 4G and 5G Data throughput variability

      Next, let us investigate throughput requirements of the 5G specifications. At this point, we choose to compute and show requirements per handset modem chip. Note that there are additional device classes that support only a subset of the operating modes shown here. However, an advanced handset of the future should support all of the modes shown here, to use the full potential of different frequency ranges.

      1 1) there are many possible modes of operation;

      2 2) there is a 352× difference between the processing data load corners (LTE, 1.4 MHz) – lower end and (μ = 3, 400 MHz) upper end in terms of RBs.

      Figure 1.3. Processing load in kRB/s for 5G NR FR1 (Damjancevic et al. 2019)

      We see a greater need for flexibility again emerging from the observations, compared to the 4G standard, with many more modes to support on top of the throughput difference. Now that we have identified the throughput corners in RBs,

      Figure 1.4. Processing load in kRB/s for 5G NR FR2

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