it was never going to be okay. jaye simpson
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vi. the cost of a photograph
one christmas after living in her home for near a decade during a large dinner with her extended relatives:
someone called for a family photo.
i went to take my place in it she said this one’s for family— swatting my sister & me away. the camera caught the blur of my back. it is the only family photo i am in.
have you haunted photo albums before?
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her. (i.)
dissociation & i became sweethearts in grade eight we’d meet in the morning before first period, linger between library shelves during lunch & part just before falling asleep.
dissociation & i the sweetest relationship throughout it all, didn’t know you could be co- dependent with loneliness wouldn’t have called this coping.
how desperate i was: mother #4 taught me any touch was attention enough, any inclination a gift for troubled kids like me.
dissociation & i split: to not feel doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
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