Well-Being Therapy. G.A. Fava

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Well-Being Therapy - G.A. Fava

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from a medical ward. With another medical student, Sam, I went to see the patient. She was a lady in her fifties and manifested what appeared to be an unbearable abdominal pain. Medical work-up could not establish a potential cause. Her condition seemed to be deteriorating and explorative surgery was planned in a couple of days (in 1975, today's minimally invasive explorative procedures were not available). Our job was to interview her and get some preliminary history. Dr. Engel would have come later in the day. We started with some questions, but she appeared to be in great pain. Sam and I agreed that it was probably not the right time and should come back with Dr. Engel, which we did. Dr. Engel immediately got her attention and collaboration. At a certain point during the medical interview, he became interested in a scar the patient had. The lady suddenly brightened up and described a past surgical operation. Dr. Engel asked whether she had undergone other surgical interventions. The lady showed other scars and provided detailed descriptions of each surgery. She seemed to forget about her pain. Sam and I could not understand what was going on. She looked so well, while only hours earlier she was in so much pain. Dr. Engel asked how things were going in her life and she replied that after a very troubled time with a lot of problems in her family things were going reasonably well. When we got out of her room, Dr. Engel told us that the lady had a pain-prone personality and was a surgery addict [6]. When life is treating these patients worst, when circumstances are the hardest, their physical health is likely to be at its best and the individuals are free of pain. When things improve, when some success is imminent, then painful symptoms develop [6]. Sam asked what could be done for these patients. Dr. Engel replied ‘Not much, unfortunately. I will speak with her physician and at least this time we will avoid surgery.’ Sam and I, with our juvenile wish to help, were very dissatisfied by that answer. I thought ‘Maybe one day someone will find the way.’

      When the summer was over, I went back to Padova and intended to become like George Engel and be knowledgeable of both internal medicine and psychiatry. In due course, however, I realized that one specialty was already more than I could handle and thus chose psychiatry, the field where most of the psychosomatic researchers came from.

      Treating Depression

      Working in the US, I had essentially a cross-sectional view of the disorder (I was seeing and treating patients only in the hospital, with little follow-up). However, when I decided to go back to Italy and establish an outpatient clinic at the University of Bologna with opportunities for follow-up, I began to observe that patients I had personally treated with antidepressant drugs and whom I judged to have completely remitted relapsed into depression after some time. What was I missing?

      The Concept of Recovery

      Psychological Well-Being

      I belong to the endangered species of clinician-researchers who do clinical research as well as assess

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