Vitamin D in Clinical Medicine. Группа авторов

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Vitamin D in Clinical Medicine - Группа авторов Frontiers of Hormone Research

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with the use of a triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer equipped with an atmospheric pressure photo ionization source that enhances the ionization of D versus earlier chemical methods (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization or APCI and electrospray ionization [ESI]) [37]. This method was used to measure D2, D3, 25(OH)D2, and 25(OH)D3 in the same sample with limits of quantitation (LOQ) for each D of 2 ng/mL and for each 25(OH)D of 1 ng/mL [38].

      25-Hydroxyvitamin D

      Immunoassays. These fall into 3 main categories.

      Chemiluminescent assays were first commercialized by DiaSorin, although a number of such assays are now on the market. In these assays, the antibody is bound to a solid-phase material and sample 25(OH)D competes for binding with 25(OH)D conjugated to a chemiluminescent label. After washing the light signal is induced and quantitated. The amount of light produced is inversely related to the amount of 25(OH)D in the sample.

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