Transition of Care. Группа авторов

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Transition of Care - Группа авторов Endocrine Development

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(Chestnut Hill, MA); Pitteloud, N. (Lausanne)

       The Transition from Paediatric to Adult Care for Youths with Thyroid Diseases: Outcome Issues and Challenges

      Léger, J. (Paris)

       Transition in Pediatric and Adolescent Hypogonadal Girls: Gynecological Aspects, Estrogen Replacement Therapy, and Contraception

      Pedersen, A.T.; Cleemann, L.; Main, K.M.; Juul, A. (Copenhagen)

       Fertility Preservation in Endocrine Disorders during Transition for Girls

      Bénard, J. (Bondy/Bobigny); Sermondade, N. (Bondy); Grynberg, M. (Bondy/Bobigny/Paris)

       Fertility Preservation in Klinefelter Syndrome Patients during the Transition Period

      Rives, N.; Rives, A.; Rondanino, C.; Castanet, M.; Cuny, A.; Sibert, L. (Rouen)

       Author Index

       Subject Index

      Transition can be defined from physiological changes during the period from the end of puberty to the attainment of an adult phenotype. This gives the length of transition as approximately 5–10 years depending on the patient, although it may be longer or shorter depending on multiple factors. Alternatively, transition can be seen as the point in time when the patient can no longer be seen by the pediatrician and is asked to make the next appointment with an endocrinologist for adults. However, focusing on a single time point is not the best way to handle this process for a patient because the transition from pediatric care to the adult one needs to be structured. A large number of patients with chronic diseases drop out of therapy during the transition period. Multiple factors are associated with this, such as lack of understanding of the disease process, insufficient knowledge of treatment options, the patient becoming more independent, and the requirement for interaction with a new set of health care workers. Education regarding disease management and treatment options should be provided from an early age and through the transition period.

      However, endocrine specialists will view the transition period differently, depending on whether they are pediatric endocrinologists, who mainly deal with congenital diseases in which auxology is important, or adult endocrinologists, who are more concerned with body composition and metabolic factors.

      In this textbook, key leaders on different topics present their viewpoints as a pediatric and/or an adult endocrine specialist, most referring to a case study outlining practical aspects of transition. This textbook presents different approaches to patients with chronic diseases, either rare or not, during the transition period.

      We definitely hope that this textbook will be helpful for the reader in front of a patient during the transition period and foster the development of specific health care pathways dedicated to the patient during this key period of life.

      Philippe Touraine, Paris

      Michel Polak, Paris

      General Concepts

      Polak M, Touraine P (eds): Transition of Care: From Childhood to Adulthood in Endocrinology, Gynecology, and Diabetes. Endocr Dev. Basel, Karger, 2018, vol 33, pp 1–9 (DOI: 10.1159/000487521)


      Philippe Tourainea · Michel Polakb

      aCentre de Référence des Maladies Endocriniennes Rares de la Croissance et du Développement des Pathologies Gynécologiques Rares, Institut E3M-ICAN, Hôpitaux Universitaires Pitié-Salpêtrière Charles-Foix, Médecine Sorbonne Université, and bPediatric Endocrinology, Gynecology and Diabetology, Centre de Référence des Pathologies Gynécologiques Rares et des Maladies Endocriniennes Rares de la Croissance et du Développement, Hôpital Universitaire Necker Enfants Malades, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France



      Transition has been defined as “the purposeful, planned movement of adolescents and young adults with chronic physical and medical conditions from child-centered to adult-oriented health care systems.” We will here describe the challenges of such a process: challenges coming from the pediatrician, from the adolescent, linked to the disease itself, and those from the parents. We will outline how to overcome those fears and challenges to provide a successful transition process. A key factor to underline that process is that a relationship based on confidence should be established between the pediatrician and the physician for adults, in order for that relationship, based on trust, to be the basis for the transfer of the adolescent from the pediatric system of care to the adult one.

      © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel

      Defining Characteristics of Transition and Transfer

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